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Tag: event

ON Thursday 5 march on the one year anniversary of his passing an event will be held Remembering Musa Moris Farhi. The Turkish author will be remembered at the Azerbaijan House, 228 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8AX at 7 pm on Thursday 5, which has been organized by the Atatürk...
The Islam Community Milli Gorus (İCMG) is holding a Quran recitation event in South London’s New Peckham Mosque. The program to be organized by İCMG Peckham Branch was named as Maide-i Kur’an. In a statement made by Peckham Branch President Mustafa Kayıtsız, he said: “This is perhaps the first program...
A series of events will be organised by the Atatürk Society Association (İADD) to commemorate Atatürk on the 81st anniversary of his death. Historian writer Assoc. Dr. Orhan Çekiç will participate as a speaker at the conference, and a National Struggle photo exhibition and a reception will be held on...
A solidarity night will be held to bring together the community from Famagusta (Mağusalılar) living in the UK. The event which has been organised by businessmen Hasan Gazi and Tuncel Nalbantoğlu and former physician Teoman Sırrı will be a night of fun and friendship, which will see any the profits...
KIBRIS Türk Ticaret Odası düzenleyeceği bir etkinlikle İngiliz Parlamentosunda Brexit ve ticaret üzerine konuşmalar yapıp, iş insanlarını bir araya getirecek. İngiltere’de faaliyet gösteren Kıbrıs Türk Ticaret Odası (Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce), ülkede yılan hikayesine dönen Avrupa Birliği’nden ayrılma sürecini ve ticareti kapsayan bir etkinlik gerçekleştirecek. 6 Haziranda İngiliz Parlamentosu’nda...
THE 17 year old revolutionary student Erdal Eren will be commemorated by Day-Mer on Sunday, 16 December. According to the statement by Day-Mer, a commemoration event has been organised to remember Erdal Eren who was hung by millitary officials which led the September 12 coup of 1980. The commemoration even...
THE Turkish Cypriot Youth Association (KTGBI), which was founded by young Turkish Cypriots organised an event in Cardiff on 8 December, Saturday. At the event organised in Cardiff, the Turkish Cypriot youth from London came together with the students studying in Cardiff.  According to a statement made from the Turkish...
THE Culture and Arts Talks events has been organised by the London Yunus Emre Institute since January 2017, the 9th series of the talk took place on 6 December, whereby Dr.Bora Keskiner participated as a guest speaker. Dr.Bora Keskiner made a presentation about ‘Calligrapher Sultans’ at the London Emre Institute...
DAYMER has organised a great day for both young people and families to attend a informative evenet where they will be able to ask questions in regards to education and their future career paths. The event is called ‘Choosing your pathway’, which is set to take place on Sunday, 2...
+1 TURKEY has organised their second career day which will take place on 1 December, Saturday. Lawyers, financial advisors and alternative experts will participate in the event and in particular the Ankara Agreement will be discussed during the panel. The speakers are experts which have become successful in their field...
MUSTAFA Kemal Atatürk was commemorated on the occasion of the 80th anniversary on a memorial event organised on Wednesday, 7 November at Grand Palace. The memorial program organised by the Kemalist Thought Association Association (IADD). The event was attended by the retired Ambassador Onur Oymen, TRNC Culture, and Education Attache...
THE event titled “The Black history in the Turkish Cypriot and Turkish communities” took place on Friday, 2 November at 19:00pm at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association. The Turkish Cypriot and Turkish members of the black community had organised this event to enlighten the community about the black roots in...
  THE event titled “The Black history in the Turkish Cypriot and Turkish communities” will take place on Friday, 2 November at 19:00pm at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association. The Turkish Cypriot and Turkish members of the black community has organised this event to enlighten the community about the black...
EXACTLY four years ago many protestors gathered in Ankara, capital of Turkey. 109 people lost their lives in this attack and yet the youngest victim was only 8 years old. CHP UK Union organised a memorial event for those who lost their live in the attack which occurred on October...
SEMRA Eren-Nijhar introduced her recently published book, which is called “Turks in London”. Author and sociologist Semra Eren – Nijhar introduced her new book at the Turkish Consulate General in London. The event was hosted by the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey Çınar Ergin. The TRNC Consul Ülkü...
THE Crime Minister, Victoria Atkins, on Monday 8 October, hosted the first in a series of monthly events taking place across the country, aimed at tackling serious violence. The events, led by Home Office ministers, have been clarified to bring together local partners to take action against serious violence in...
A GALA dinner will be taking place on Saturday, 3rd November for Enis. The event will is being organised to raise money for Enis The Wonderchild’s treatment. On the 11th of April 2017, Enis suffered a non-fatal drowning. Initial prognosis from the doctors was bleak with no sign of life....
THIS year’s annual charity even organised by the Limasollular Association, attracted great interest from members of our society. Many of the stalls for the charity event complied of Northern Cyprus cuisine such as dessert, pastry’s and authentic dishes were of special interest, while the books, CDs, jewelry and handicrafts exhibited...