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Famagusta night of solidarity to help young children

Famagusta night of solidarity to help young children

A solidarity night will be held to bring together the community from Famagusta (Mağusalılar) living in the UK. The event which has been organised by businessmen Hasan Gazi and Tuncel Nalbantoğlu and former physician Teoman Sırrı will be a night of fun and friendship, which will see any the profits given to a good course.

Taking place at the Grand Palace Wedding Hall in North London on the evening of Sunday, November 24, the guest of honour of the night, which will be the former President and Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Dervis Eroglu and his wife.

Music and performances from Vatan Cultural Turkish Music Choir and TRNC artist Çiğdem Gürdal on the night under the supervision of master musician Naci Göçen are expected, with food, drinks and music set the event is going to be a night of entertainment, fun all while helping towards a good course.

Ticket prices vary between£ 50 and £60. All profit from the night will be donated to Famagusta Gazi Primary School and Canbulat Primary School in Northern Cyprus, the night will be a means of both a big meeting and helping towards the education of young children in north Cyprus.

For more information about the event and to get your tickets or book a table you can call Hasan Gazi 0783 137 6767, Tuncel Nalbantoğlu 0786 035 9951 or Dr Teoman Sırrı on 0795 639 4577.



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