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İADD to hold a commemoration event for Atatürk

İADD to hold a commemoration event for Atatürk

A series of events will be organised by the Atatürk Society Association (İADD) to commemorate Atatürk on the 81st anniversary of his death.

Historian writer Assoc. Dr. Orhan Çekiç will participate as a speaker at the conference, and a National Struggle photo exhibition and a reception will be held on November 8.

The free event open to all will be taking place at the Grand Palace hall in North London’s Wood.

İADD Board of Directors made a written statement on the subject and announced that there will be activities organized to commemorate Atatürk and to comprehend the 100th anniversary of the National Struggle. The statements made by İADD is as follows:

“Dear Atatürk and the Republic lovers, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, our Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 81 years of eternity being referred longingly at him more than ever, we remember with love and respect. At the Grand Palace Conference Hall at the address of High 242 High Road, London, N22 8JX Cuma on Friday, November 8. Istanbul Gedik University Faculty Member, Founder of Atatürkology Institute Assoc. Dr. Orhan Çekiç will attend as a speaker. After the speech, our program will continue with the Reception and the 100th anniversary of the National Struggle, where you will also have the opportunity to chat with Mr. Orhan Çekiç.

For the first time May 19 opened in the Greater London Meeting on the 100th anniversary and the meeting of the organising Committee in England ADD, +1 Turkey, TGB England, Azerbaijan House, Anatolia Cultural Center and the Turkish Cypriot Cultural Association, including prepared by six associations National The Struggle Exhibition will be exhibited again on 8 November. We kindly ask you to attend this important event with your family and friends and bring our free event to as many people as possible with the belief and determination that suits Atatürk and Republican”


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