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Tag: turkish

THE celebration for the 95th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey also was celebrated with the 29 October Republic Day reception which was organised at the Turkish Embassy in London. Turkish Ambassador Ümit Yalçın and his wife Gül Yalçın hosted hundreds of Turkish and foreign guests from Britain and London....
ÖZLEM Eylem stated that one of the fundamental problems for the Turkish speaking community is suicide. Especially within the younger generation suicide is a severe matter. Young people who usually have psychological perceive suicide as a solution. As a result of many research, Özlem Eylem pointed out that anxiety in...
TURKISH Forum UK, an active non-governmental organization based in London, has a worldwide reputation in cancer research has organısed a conferenceç Prof. Mustafa Camgöz will be presenting a conference to explain the causes and ways to prevent cancer. The conference will be held on Thursday, November 22 at Kensington Hilton...
TURKISH Cypriot Youth Association UK has announced that they have established their youth association. The Turkish Cypriot Youth Association was founded by young people living or studying in England, hence they have clarified that they officially established their association on 21 October 2018. Turkish Cypriot Youth Association stated that they...
TURKISH Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, visited to England and attended a round table on “Changing Europe in the Changing World Order.” The round table took place at Chatham House on Saturday. The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu also came together with the British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt. Minister of Foreign...
Atatük will be The founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk will be remembered on his 80th anniversary of the demise of his eternity. The Atatürk Thought Association UK has organised a memorial program called ‘Why Atatürk is immortal’ in order to commemorate Atatürk.  As the Atatürk Thought Association UK,...
French actor Gerard Depardieu, who received Russian citizenship in 2013, said he now seeks to obtain a Turkish passport, a Turkish newspaper reported on Sept. 17 from the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. “I will visit Turkey in October and talk to Erdoğan,” Depardieu was quoted as saying by daily Aydınlık. The 69-year-old actor was...
TURKISH fashion designer Zeynep Kartal, who lives in England, will be presenting three jewellery’s which belong to Queen II. Elizabeth on the occasion of London Fashion Week. The London Fashion Week is set to occur 15 September. The three precious jewels, has been authorised to be used with the special...
TURKISH Cypriot fashion designer Hüseyin Çağlayan, known for avant-garde designs such as clothes that dissolve, will receive this year’s London Design Medal. Çağlayan is one of four architects and designers that will receive medals at The British Land Celebration of Design, which takes place as part of London Design Festival. The Lifetime Achievement Medal will...
A young Turkish man was shot dead in Tottenham cemetery on Monday. Police were called to Tottenham Cemetery just before 08:00 BST and found the 22-year-old victim with gunshot wounds. Despite treatment by the London Ambulance Service he was pronounced dead at the scene. The Metropolitan Police has launched a...
ONE of the most active non-governmental organisations, Limassol Association UK is aiming to bring the Turkish speaking societies together with the kermes their organising. The London based Limassol Association is close to mark its 18th anniversary and will organise a cultural kermes on Sunday, 16 September. Association committee members have...
TURKISH Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu will receive an award from the Kyrenia Municipality Cyprus Cartoonists Association at the Olive festival in Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu who lives in London will be given the Golden Olive award at the Olive festival which...
ERKAN Kolçak Köstendil, famous actor will be live in London on Sunday, 21 October to perform his show “12 Numaralı Adam”. Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, is a Turkish actor, writer, director, and singer. Born and raised in Bursa, a large city located in northwestern Anatolia, Kostendil was considering and working towards...
ENFIELD council leader Nesil Calışkan visited TRNC President Mustafa Akıncı on 21 August, Tuesday in North Cyprus. Subsequent to the elections which occurred in May, Calışkan was elected as the first women and Turkish Cypriot Enfield council leader. Calışkan and Mustafa Akıncı came together in the presidency and had a...
ONCE summer comes, we all tend to go back to our homeland. Hence, when we go, what can we take to our loved ones to make them happy? Kingsland Turkish Pharmacy has the answer to this question, they provide the best monitor products for you to make your relatives happy...
TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran, who will retire from her position in September has spoken to Londra Gazete in regards to her experience in London. Zehra Başaran has underlined that being a TRNC London Representative is not so easy however she realized how eager the Turkish Cypriot community was ready...
Turkey’s Central Bank sharply raised its 2018 inflation forecast to 13.4 percent from 8.4 percent previously, governor Murat Çetinkaya said on July 31. Speaking at the bank’s quarterly inflation briefing, Çetinkaya also said the bank was lifting its 2019 year-end inflation forecast to 9.3 percent from the 6.5 percent announced in the previous report in April. The revisions follow...
THE “Biz/US” photo exhibition, which was prepared within the scope of the project towards Turkish Cypriots living in foreign countries took place on 20 July, Friday. The photo exhibition titled “Biz/Us” was organised by the TRNC Deputy Prime Ministry Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the project towards...