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Tag: fire

A woman was rescued after a fire broke out in a block of flats and offices on Whitechapel High Street on Monday yesterday afternoon. It took 125 firefighters to get the fire under control and 60 people were evacuated from the building, after initial calls were made to emegrency services at 3.53pm. Dramatic...
A fire has broken out at Bournemouth beach in front of hundreds of sunbathers. Three beach huts caught fire along the West Cliff promenade at 3.50pm on Monday, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service said. The blaze sent smoke billowing up the cliff face and has spread to 330sq...
THE Turkish Cypriot Youth Union UK (KTGBI) launched a donation campaign for the repair of the Dr Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital., in the capital of North Cyprus which was seriously damaged by fire. In a statement made by KTGBİ, a campaign was launched to collect donations for the Lefkosa’s Burhan...
London Fire Brigade’s commissioner is to step down four months early in the wake of criticism over the service’s response to the Grenfell fire. Dany Cotton, 50, previously announced she was standing down from the London Fire Brigade (LFB) in April 2020. She was facing calls to resign after a...
Boris Johnson has vowed to use the gathering of world leaders at the G7 summit to draw attention to the “horrific loss of habitats and species around the world”. Speaking ahead of the meeting of the world’s major industrial nations, the Prime Minister said that “we are going through an extinction of diversity, of...
A huge fire has broken out at a shopping centre in east London. More than 125 firefighters, with 20 fire engines, are tackling the blaze at The Mall shopping centre in Selborne Road, Walthamstow. London Fire Brigade, which was called at about 7.40 am, said part of the roof was...
A bus carrying children to school has been completely destroyed after it caught fire. The blaze happened at about 8.45 am on the A127 near Wickford, in Essex. Pupils from Southend High School for Girls were among others on board when it burst into flames. No-one was hurt in the...
A major incident was declared by police after firefighters battled a huge blaze at a block of flats in east London. Fifteen engines and around 100 firefighters were called to the fire on De Pass Gardens, Barking, London Fire Brigade said. The force added the sixth floor of the block was...
Firefighters tackled a fire that has ripped through a warehouse, sending huge plumes of black smoke into the sky in north London on Thursday 23 May. Around 100 firefighters are tackling the blaze at what is thought to be a furniture store in Garman Road, Tottenham, which broke out at...
OVER 400 firefighters managed to save the 850-year-old Gothic building’s main stone structure, including its two towers, but the spire and roof collapsed. The fire began at around 18:30 (16:30 GMT) Monday 15 April and quickly reached the roof of the cathedral, destroying the wooden interior before toppling the spire....
Six fire engines and around 40 firefighters were called to a fire at a flat on Cedar Road in Enfield. Part of a flat on the sixth floor of a 12-storey block was damaged by the fire. Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus led one man to safety. He was taken to hospital by...
Grenfell Tower residents and firefighters were let down by London Fire Brigade’s leaders, a lawyer for the victims has said. Sam Stein QC told the public inquiry into the fire that commissioner Dany Cotton and her leadership team were “not fit to run” the emergency service. The brigade said it...
A sex work that caused the death of a maintenance manager when she set fire to a Westminster hotel room in a fit of rage after being underpaid has been jailed. Nora Es-Sadki Boughima, 19 of Cambridge Court, Sussex Gardens, was sentenced to six years imprisonment at the Old Bailey...
Memunatu Warne, 46, from Sierra Leone, died in a fire at a home in Centurion Square, Berber Parade, Greenwich in the early hours of 6 September. A 45-year-old woman was arrested yesterday on suspicion of conspiracy to murder; she is the 9th person to be arrested. She remains in custody...
Ten fire engines and around 70 firefighters were called to a fire at a shop with flats above on High Street, Walthamstow, this morning. A mobile phone shop was destroyed in the blaze. Three adults and four children left the building before the Brigade arrived. Two of the women who...
A fire chief has stated that the spread of fire inside Grenfell Tower was so horrendous that no-one should ever have been allowed to live there. Deputy assistant commissioner Andrew O’Loughlin asserted that the inquiry into the disaster that the failure of the building could not have been foreseen. He was...
ALMOST 50 people fled a flat fire that which required ten fire engines to ensure it was under control. The fire occurred in a block of flats near the North Mall in Plevna Road, Edmonton Green. Emergency services received nearly 50 calls about the eruption of blaze at around 5.39pm...
More than 225 firefighters have been tackling a large grass fire in east London, which has led to huge plumes of smoke being seen across the capital. London Fire Brigade sent 40 fire engines to the blaze, on Wanstead Flats near Stratford, just after 16:00 BST after receiving more than...