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Tag: day

BLACK Friday discounts and bad weather have been blamed for a decline in Boxing Day shoppers, with retail analysts reporting a fall in the number of people heading for the sales. Springboard, which analyses customer activity in stores, said footfall up until midday had seen the largest decline since 2010,...
The UK is expecting its hottest day on record, with temperatures of up to 39C (102.2F) forecast in London as well as southern and eastern England. The current record is 38.5C (101.3F) from August 2003. Thousands of commuters have been hit by disruptions in areas where trains are running a...
TEACHERS in Turkish Language and Culture Schools and the Education and Culture Attache Gulgun Özçelik, visited TRNC London Representative Oya Tuncalı within the framework of the National Day of Teachers 24 November. Oya Tuncalı thanked the teachers for their meaningful visit also for carrying their teaching profession away from their...
TURKISH National Teachers Day, which marks the day Turkey’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was given the title of ‘Head Teacher’ in 1928, was celebrated in London. On November 24, Saturday a reception was held in Turkey’s Embassy in London due to Turkish National Teachers Day. The reception was held at...
+1 TURKEY has organised their second career day which will take place on 1 December, Saturday. Lawyers, financial advisors and alternative experts will participate in the event and in particular the Ankara Agreement will be discussed during the panel. The speakers are experts which have become successful in their field...
THE Turkish holiday of “Victory Day” was celebrated on Sunday, 2 September at Highbury Fields. The event was organised by Atatürk Thought Association. The association emphasized the importance of celebrating and remembering such an important day. Many speeches and a moment of silence was made for the martyrs. The event...
One million people attended the carnival during the two-day festival. Up to 156 people were detained for drugs offences, 69 arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and nine on suspicion of sexual offences. The Met said 30 officers were injured “in the line of duty”, while 133...
CONVENTIONAL workplace hours of 9am to 5pm are now only the norm for a minority of workers, research suggests. Just 6% of people in the UK now work such hours, a YouGov survey found. Almost half of people worked flexibly with arrangements such as job sharing or compressed hours, allowing...
THE Turkish holiday of “Victory Day” which fall onto 30 August will be celebrated 26 August Sunday at Highbury Fields. The event has been organised by Atatürk Thought Association. The association has underlined the importance of celebrating and remembering such an important day. Further stated: “30 August Victory Day is...
The 1st August Communal Resistance Day, which marks the 42nd anniversary of the establishment of the Cyprus Turkish Security Forces Command, the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the legendary Turkish Cypriot Resistance Organization (TMT), and the 447th anniversary of the conquest of Cyprus by the Ottomans, was celebrated in...
THE anniversary of the 20 July Cyprus Peace operation was celebrated on its 44th anniversary with a reception held on Friday evening, at Hyatt Churchill event hall. The event was hosted by Zehra Başaran, the London Representative of the TRNC. The TRNC Deputy Prime minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay...
TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran has shared a press message in regards to 20th July Peace and Freedom Day. In the press release, Başaran underlines the expectation of the United Kingdom providing a hand to get rid of embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot community. TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran...
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump‘ın İngiltere‘ye düzenlediği ziyareti protesto eden İngiliz halkı, Green Day grubunun ‘American İdiot (Amerikan Enayisi)” şarkısını internette 1 numaraya taşıdı. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) Balkanı Donald Trump’ın İngiltere’ye düzenlediği ziyareti protesto eden İngiliz vatandaşları sosyal medya üzerinden bir kampanya başlattı. ABD Başkanı Trump’ın seçim dönemi kampanyalarında kullandığı “Make America Great Again”...
ADD held a music and theatre festival in regards to the commemoration of Atatürk, 19 May Youth and Sports day. It was a great pleasure to have young people from Bristol and Manchester who joined the evening of celebration. After the opening speech of the ADD chairman Jale Özer, the...
  ONE of the UK’s most active associations, Limasollular UK celebrated Mother’s day with great joy at Cyprus Gardens on 13 May, Sunday evening. The celebration took place in Cyprus Garden, which is the address for joy and fun in London. The participants in the event came together and celebrated...
INTERNATIONAL Workers Day was celebrated in London with the participation of thousands of people. A large number of public and private sector workers, trade union members, NGO representatives, students and pensions from London, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, gathered in the Clerkenwell neighbourhood of the city for activities in...
EVERY year this special day is celebrated all around the world and this year again, the world’s most beautiful feast was celebrated with colourful scene. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, presented April 23rd to all the world’s children to emphasize that they are successor of the...
A four day strike on the DLR line could affect this year’s London Marathon. The strike could disturb thousands of runners that are instructed to register at the ExCel centre in East London, which is on the DLR line, prior to this Sunday’s race. Transport for London stated that limited...