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Tag: celebrated

TWENTY eight schools from across London have been celebrated by Transport for London (TfL) for their work championing active and safe travel on the journey to school. As part of TfL’s STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) schools programme, the winners received awards for being the highest performing of around...
TURKISH National Teachers Day, which marks the day Turkey’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was given the title of ‘Head Teacher’ in 1928, was celebrated in London. On November 24, Saturday a reception was held in Turkey’s Embassy in London due to Turkish National Teachers Day. The reception was held at...
THE celebration for the 95th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey also was celebrated with the 29 October Republic Day reception which was organised at the Turkish Embassy in London. Turkish Ambassador Ümit Yalçın and his wife Gül Yalçın hosted hundreds of Turkish and foreign guests from Britain and London....
LONDON Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç of Turkey held a reception for 30 August Victory Day which was celebrated on Thursday, 30 August in London. London Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç and Armed Forces Attache Colonel Ismail Candan Açcı honoured a reception in regards to the 96th anniversary of Victory Day. The reception took place...
THE Turkish holiday of “Victory Day” which fall onto 30 August will be celebrated 26 August Sunday at Highbury Fields. The event has been organised by Atatürk Thought Association. The association has underlined the importance of celebrating and remembering such an important day. Further stated: “30 August Victory Day is...
THE anniversary of the 20 July Cyprus Peace operation was celebrated on its 44th anniversary with a reception held on Friday evening, at Hyatt Churchill event hall. The event was hosted by Zehra Başaran, the London Representative of the TRNC. The TRNC Deputy Prime minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay...
UK has recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the NHS, with events including a service at Westminster Abbey and a royal visit in Wales. Hence, this week we have asked our readers their opinion in regards to the services provided by the NHS and what could be improved. SEDAT KETENÇİMEN...
Streets in central London on Sunday were filled with thousands of people as they celebrated the Pride in London parade. The parade itself, which coincided with England’s World Cup quarter-final in Russia, included about 30,000 people from 472 organisations. But up to one million other people are thought to have...
The eighth Alevi Festival, which is held every year to promote the Alevi culture and teachings, launched its festival reception on 20 May Sunday. The Alevi Cultural and Cemevi UK celebrated its 25th-anniversary ceremony during the reception held in the new building located in Woodgreen. Ali Dereli Dede made the...
  ONE of the UK’s most active associations, Limasollular UK celebrated Mother’s day with great joy at Cyprus Gardens on 13 May, Sunday evening. The celebration took place in Cyprus Garden, which is the address for joy and fun in London. The participants in the event came together and celebrated...
THE royal couple’s second son was born on Monday at the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital, London. It was announced that the royal baby weighed 8lb 7oz and the name has not been declared just yet. The arrival of the new member for the royal family was celebrated with...
ATATÜRK Society UK (IADD) held a reception in Azerbaijan House on Sunday, April 22, for the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. Many participant attended the reception and 23 April was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The IADD Secretary made the opening the speech and stated “Our unity together is...
EVERY year this special day is celebrated all around the world and this year again, the world’s most beautiful feast was celebrated with colourful scene. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, presented April 23rd to all the world’s children to emphasize that they are successor of the...
  THIS year’s Newroz celebrations, identified with Blacksmith Kawa epic, was held at Finsbury Park. Thousands of people attended to the colourful festival. The event, accompanied by concerts, talks and folks, took place on Sunday, March 25th. Foreign representatives also attended the celebration of Newroz, where the Kurdish community living...
8 MARCH International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world.
THE EUROPEAN Disabled Association celebrated the World Disability Day on December 3rd.
ÇINAR Ergin, Consul General of Turkey in London, hosted Teachers' Day celebrations for Turkish and Turkish Cypriot teachers working in England, on 24 November in the official day
The 34th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus took place at a reception held at the Hyatt Regency Churchill Hotel in central London. Abdurrahman Bilgiç the London ambassador of Turkey, Esra Bilgiç his wife, Turkish Consul General in London Çınar Ergin and his wife Deniz...