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Tag: young

 Recent figures show that London’s crime rate is rising 5 times quicker then the rest of the UK. Stabbings, drugs and murder has sadly become a part of the daily newsreels for Londoners. Here at Londra Gazete, we spoke to young members of the community to find out what they...
  A 15-year-old Turkish student has been elected as the first ever ‘Young Mayor of Enfield’. Okan Gürhan a member of Enfield Council’s Youth Parliament will be celebrating his coronation on May 8th at Enfield Civic Centre. Setting an example for his community, Okan has shown that ages is not...
HARINGEY Council has made a strong commitment to protect and support vulnerable young people from violence, abuse and exploitation after unveiling their Young People at Risk Strategy. Haringey is one of the first boroughs in London to set out a long-term, public health approach to tackling the root causes of...
According to the recent statement by the Resolution Foundation, the best way for young people to own their own home is having property owned by parents. Young people with parents which have property wealth are almost three times more likely to be home owners by 30. The report established by...
THE Young CTCA UK has been newly established and has been noted to be a non-profit organisation run by volunteers. According to the statement made by Young CTCA UK, their essential aim is to bring together young people within the society also strengthen and promote the Turkish culture. The youth...
A young Turkish woman called Hesna Firuze has lost her life as a result of a train crash at Canada Water station. During midnight on Thursday, 22 November a notice was made by the emergency service team to the scene whereby a train hit a young woman. Despite the extraordinary...
A man who was stabbed to death as he tried to stop a confrontation in east London has been named by police. Zakaria Bukar Sharif Ali, 26, was attacked as he tried to defuse a fight outside the Rolling Stock bar in Hackney at about 06:30 GMT on Saturday. He...
YOUNG and talented chief violinist Ezo Sarıcı will perform at a classical music concert on Saturday evening, December 8, for the benefit of the Children’s Foundation at Great Ormond Street Hospital. The concert has been organised a charity event to contribute to the Children’s Foundation. Four young stars, Joe Pritchard...
DAYMER has organised a great day for both young people and families to attend a informative evenet where they will be able to ask questions in regards to education and their future career paths. The event is called ‘Choosing your pathway’, which is set to take place on Sunday, 2...
THE Turkish Cypriot Youth Union UK (KTGBI), founded by young people who were born and raised in England, and young people who came to England from Cyprus to live or study, came together with the TRNC Education and Culture Minister Cemal Ozyigit. Özyiğit stated that he cared about the founding...
CHP UK Union, organised a panel based on the problems related to young people and their drug use. Many members of the CHP UK Union attended also, Dr. Pınar Demir, Dr. Ali Doğan, Dr. Ismail Bulut and Metropolitan Police Officers attended to the panel as speakers. Breakfast was provided before...
ABOUT 40% of young adults cannot afford to buy one of the cheapest homes in their area even with a 10% deposit, according to a new research. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said house prices in England have risen by 173% over two decades. But average pay for 25-34 year-olds...
ENFIELD Council has addressed a summer activity programme directed at solving crimes and antisocial behaviour as a “great success” prior to hundreds of young people attending to the scheme. The council asserted that the £100,000 activity scheme which was inclusive of sport, cookery, art, and music. The activity programmes received...
LONDON schools have seen a 26% increase in exclusion rates in the last three years.  Studies have shown young people who have previously been excluded either temporarily or permanently from school are more likely to be drawn into crime. Excluded students are referred to Alternative Provision (AP), non-mainstream settings. This...
UK Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi have announced that the youth meetings will resume every Friday evenings. The youth meetings are held every Friday evenings at the Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi which is located in Wood Green. The meetings are coordinated by the committee members Bayrak Suruk and Dilan...
THE young violinist Ezo Sarici returns to London with a third place award in the International “Virtuoso & Belcanto Competition” held in the historical city of Lucca in Italy which took place from 16th of July till 29th July. The achievement attained by the 16-year-old violinist Ezo Sarici, presented an...
The Turkish speaking young people from our community continue to face various issues and dilemmas which leads them to end their lives. Our young people, who are usually experiencing mental and physical problem tend to find suicide as the only solution. Most recently, Yasin Koca has committed suicide and left...
ACCORDING to a two year study by the Resolution Foundation’s intergenerational commission, those turn 25 in across Britain should be given £10,000 to help they buy a home. The report claims that radical action is needed and a payment has been suggest of £10,000 as a ‘Citizen’s inheritance’ this would...