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Tag: public

DEMOCRATIC Union Power organised a public meeting on 25 November on suicide and conflict. The public meeting was held in Kirkisraklilar Association on Sunday. At the meeting, suicide among the community and mobbing events where discussed. Thus, these matters has been described as the bleeding wounds of the community, especially...
PHILIP Hammond has said there will be no “real terms” increase in public spending apart from on the NHS. The chancellor used his Budget on Monday to say that austerity was coming to an end. But Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell rejected his claims, saying more welfare cuts were coming...
COUNCILLORS objected the government’s austerity agenda as they accepted plans for £4.9 million worth of savings by 2020. Children’s services, adult social care and public health will face additional cuts as Enfield Council is finding it difficult to close an £18 million gap in its budget. Council has already pursued...
LONDON Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Umit Yalcin share a press statement and stated that he hoped to be able to come together with the members of the society on various occasions and to demonstrate support. The press statement shared on social media behalf of the Ambassador, as follows:...
ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury has called for a fundamental rethink of how the economy works, including more public spending and higher taxes on technology giants and the wealthy. In an interview with the BBC to mark the launch of a major report by the Commission on Economic Justice, of which he...
AFTER numerous interviews and public outbursts by Meghan Markel’s dad Thomas, the royal family seems really annoyed with recent comments. Advisors have had three crisis meetings planning to prevent Thomas from causing distress to his daughter. Meghan has not spoken to her father since she married Prince Harry almost three...
A million public sector workers are to receive their biggest pay rise in nearly 10 years, the government announces. Inclusive of 2.9% extra this year for the armed forces, 2.75% for prison officers and up to 3.5% for teachers. Police will see a 2% rise, the same increase seen by GPs...
  THE first reaction from London to the election decision taken in Turkey came from Day-Mer. “The AKP government intends to fool the public once again” the statement shared with this title follows as: “Erdoğan and the Bahçeli alliance have taken this decision despite the mistake of going to a...
CHIEF Consultant Süleyman Beşli and Trade Lawyer Yusuf Kılınç, made a statement after Brexit UK – Turkey trade relations about the potential of the Ankara Agreement. Union of Turkish Democrats (UETD) held its monthly “Public Meeting” inviting Chief Advisor Süleyman Beşli and solicitor Yusuf Kılınç to speak at the meeting...
ENFIELD Expo 2018 saw institutions and organisations conducting commercial and public service activities within Enfield exhibits their skills and knowledge.
CENTRE of Policy and Research on Turkey and LSE SU Turkish society organised a joint public panel on Wednesday 7 February 2018 at LSE.
RESIDENTS of wood green can now have their say in the ambitious plans to transform the area as public consultations will be starting.
LABOUR’S ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) has agreed to ask Haringey Council to rethink its controversial public-private housing plan.
The chancellor is between "a rock and a hard place" for his forthcoming Budget on 22 November, a think tank says.
McDonald’s faces its first strike since it opened in the UK in 1974, as well as protests by unions and the public at several restaurants over pay and working conditions.
Enfield Council has launched a new concultation asking whether the Council should introduce Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) to help to tackle anti-social behaviour.
Eager to keep up with the self-driving hype, the UK government has announced a platooning trial with tests set for public roads in 2018.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Alevis gathered at British Parliament, tackling and addressing to the ongoing purge of public sector workers in Turkey