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Tag: mayor

The Aksaraylılar also known as the Aksaray in the UK meet with their namesakes Mayor in London. Aksaray Mayor Evren Dinçer from Turkey was in London over the weekend meeting with members of the community originating from the Aksaray Province who live in London. Mentioning his projects and activities in...
Enfield Council has elected Cllr Sabri Ozaydin as its new Mayor. The former deputy Mayor and Cllr Christine Hamilton as his newly-elected deputy were sworn in at Wednesday 30 June 2020 the Council meeting was held remotely for the first time in Enfield’s history. The borough which has a highly...
THE Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has announced that more than £1m of funding will be made available to sports groups supporting young Londoners at risk of exclusion or getting involved in violence and criminal activity. Bids are open now for the Mayor’s £1.1m Impact Partnership Fund, which will invest...
Newly elected mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavaş was in London on his first visit since been his election on a visit to the CHP headquarters, on Saturday 1 June.  On March 31 2019, local elections took place across Turkey, Yavas won the mayoral seat for the country capital city of...
  A 15-year-old Turkish student has been elected as the first ever ‘Young Mayor of Enfield’. Okan Gürhan a member of Enfield Council’s Youth Parliament will be celebrating his coronation on May 8th at Enfield Civic Centre. Setting an example for his community, Okan has shown that ages is not...
A play written by the Mayor of Enfield which aims to break down barriers between communities and spread joy between communities is due to open at the Millfield Theatre in February. Tickets for Together We are Enfield, on Tuesday 26 February, the brainchild of Cllr Saray Karakuş, are available from...
SUGAR SMART Enfield celebrated its first year tackling excess sugar consumption at Enfield Town FC’s home match against Lewes FC at the Queen Elizabeth II stadium. A range of health and wellbeing providers and Enfield’s Mayor Cllr Saray Karakuş joined the players and supporters to help people eat better, move...
SARAY Karakus Mayor of Enfield spent time with the young patients in North Middlesex hospital last week. Spending time with children spending time in ward for Christmas and the festival period, Karakus also meet with the nurses and staff on the rainbow ward, thanking them for their dedication and hard...
MAYOR of London Sadiq Khan has stated that fares on the bus, tram and pay as you go journeys on the Tube, DLR, Emirates Air Line and rail service-  where TfL fares apply-  will be frozen from January next year. Sadiq Khan is also desiring to introduce a weekly Oyster...
THREE water cannon bought and refurbished for more than £320,000 while Boris Johnson was London Mayor have been sold for £11,000. The vehicles were bought by Mr Johnson as crowd-control weapons following the 2011 riots. They were sold for £11,025 to Nottinghamshire-based Reclamations (Ollerton) Ltd who will dismantle them and export the...
MAYOR of Enfield Saray Karakuş was invited on Monday, to the Southgate Rotary Club meeting. Enver Kannur, President of Southgate Rotary Club, congratulated Karakuş on her appointment to an important position as the Mayor of Enfield. The meeting was held on Monday, 5 Novermber at the Jolly Famer venue if...
THE Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been pressured to solve the increasing problem of fly-tipping within the UK capital, following the publication of a new report, cleaning up London. Levels of fly-tipping within London are at all time high – total incidents increased by 14 per cent in 2016/17...
IT has been announced that £18 million has been given to Enfield Council by the Mayor of London to build more than 570 homes in the borough. The cash comes from the Mayor’s ‘Building Council Homes for Londoners’ fund, which was secured from government cash for social rent, and, along...
SADIQ Khan the mayor of London has advised the government to adopt New York’s model and enable a cap on the quantity of minicabs in London. Mayor of London stated that a boost in private hire cabs required to be halted to combat congestion and improve air quality. However, the...
THE Mayor of London is being urged to pressure the government for more control in regards to private sector renting powers to prevent tenants being “left to the wolves”. Green Party London Assembly member Sian Berry stated that Londoners are require the safeguard of “properly regulated” rent which “normal” wages...
There has been a steady decrease in the capital’s pubs over the years at a staggering 27% reduction since 2001 which alarmed the Mayor of London to planning an increase in protections. Smaller pubs have been disappearing in the last 17 years, whilst the number of larger pubs has increased....
THE London Mayor Sadiq Khan is declaring on the government to prohibit the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030. Sadiq Khan, will get together with leader from other cities in England and Wales at a national air quality summit, in company with MPs and the Environment Secretary...
The Mayor of London has commented about the stabbing which occurred on Saturday, 9 June in Haringey which is noted as the capitals 74th murder investigation this year. A man in his 30s was stabbed on Green Lanes, near Turnpike Lane Station. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: “I am...