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Tag: crash

  Three children have been seriously injured and more than a dozen more hurt after a double-decker school bus crashed into a bridge in Hampshire. Police were called to a “serious collision” on Well House Lane, Winchester, at 8.10am. “A school bus collided with a railway bridge causing significant damage...
An Air India Express plane with 191 people on board has crashed at an airport in the southern state of Kerala, officials say. The aircraft, en route from Dubai, skidded off the runway and broke in two at Calicut airport upon landing, India’s aviation authority said. Rescue operations are under...
Sevim Uston, 49, and Ayse Uston, 68, tragically died after being hit by an articulated lorry on the motorway in 2018. Late at night on March 19 2018, Murat Uston drove his Audi back from his fiance’s house in Luton with his grandmother, mother and 10-year-old sister. When he suddenly...
Three British nationals were on board the Ukrainian plane that crashed in Iran leaving no survivors, the Ukrainian foreign minister has said. A British Foreign Office spokesperson said: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of life in the plane crash in Iran overnight. “We are urgently seeking confirmation about...
One person died and 15 were injured in a crash involving two buses and a car in south-east London. The driver of the car has been arrested over the collision on Sevenoaks Road in Orpington, on Thursday night. One person was pronounced dead at the scene and 15 people were...
Azer Urger, 20,  was sentenced on Friday, 17 May at the Old Bailey to three-and-a-half years imprisonment for causing a serious road traffic collision on the A10 in October 2017. He has also been disqualified from driving for five years and nine months. On 4 October 2017, officers from the...
DETECTIVES have named the man who died after being hit by a car in Parkhurst Road on Wednesday evening. Police and paramedics were called to the scene, at the junction with Holloway Road. At about 7.10pm following of a collision between a car and pedestrian. Kenan Araz, 36, of Edmonton,...
RUŞİT ATAOĞLU lost his life in a horror crash on the A13 on 31 December 2018. The pair died after the accident, which happened at around 1.45am in the early hours of New Year’s Eve and closed the road in Dagenham for several hours. Police received reports regarding a car...
One person was taken to hospital after a London double-decker bus crashed into the front garden of a house. The 118 Brixton service ploughed through a fence and hit the home in Streatham Vale, south London, shortly before 9pm on Boxing Day. Three people were treated at the scene for...
A 15-year-old girl has been critically injured and 19 other people hurt as a double-decker London bus collided with two vehicles and hit a bus shelter. The bus collided with a car, a single-decker bus and hit a shelter at West Croydon bus station at about 12:20 GMT. The driver...
A car repair worker has been sentenced to jail for stealing customers’ personal data from his former employer. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) stated that it is the first time someone will go to prison due to a case it has prosecuted. Mustafa Kasim stole accident information and the names, phone numbers...
SAKINE Tezerdi had lost her life as a result to a bike crash on Tuesday, 30 August. The 56-year-old victim was struck by an electric bike as she attempted to cross Kingsland High Street in Dalston. Sakine Tezerdi had migrated to London 22 years ago and lived in Dalston. Tezerdi’s...
THE 59-year-old Sakine Tezerdi, essentially from Adıyaman, has lost her life after being hit by a bike in Dalston. A man has been arrested after a hit and run collision between cyclist and Sakine Tezerdi which has lost her life due to the crash on Tuesday, 30 August. The 56-year-old...
A pedestrian is fighting for her life after being knocked down by a cyclist in a hit-and-run crash. The woman, believed to be in her 50s, was crossing Kingsland High Street, in Dalston, east London, at about 17:00 BST on Tuesday when she was struck. The Met said the male...
At 7.37am today a silver car crashed into security barriers outside the Houses of Parliament, injuring two people. Scotland Yard said: “At 07:37hrs today, a car was in collision with barriers outside the Houses of Parliament. “The male driver of the car was detained by officers at the scene. A...
A 21-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering a man who was assaulted at home after being involved in a car crash. Stephen Walsh, 37, was found dead at his home in Blenheim Avenue in Mapperley, Nottinghamshire, at about 05:55 BST on Monday. He had been involved in...
A second paraglider suffered potentially life-changing injuries in the crash and was taken to hospital, according to Peterborough. The pilots were flying powered paragliders, the paper reports. Emergency services were called to Rippons Drove in Northborough, eight miles north of Peterborough, at about 8.45am on Monday. “One of the pilots,...
A TURKISH man died at the scene of a tragic accident in Tottenham when a police car crashed into him after getting off the bus.