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News In English

A ban is set to come into force this year affecting a number of cigarette products. Menthol and so-called skinny cigarettes will be outlawed along with rolling tobacco in May in a bid to deter young people from smoking. Experts have said that menthol cigarettes make the habit more appealing,...
The UK government has “urged all parties to de-escalate” after the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in a US airstrike in Iraq. He was killed on Friday in a strike ordered by US President Donald Trump. Major General Qassem Soleimani, the architect of Iran’s intelligence and military operations abroad, was...
Since 1237, The City of London has been presenting the Freedom of the City award to those who have had leading roles in shaping the city. Enver Kannur, a partner at Accounting Direct Plus has not only spent years helping and providing his expertise in the financial world but has been...
The Turkish-Speaking Community members living in the UK have seen another year come to an end. As traditional we have compiled a summary of the news from 2019, that we have featured in Londra Gazete, we brought together the bitter and sweet events of our community members over the last...
DAY-MER shared their New Year message, recognising that while they celebrated their 30th anniversary this year a milestone for the association, the struggle the community and nation and people across the world still face is very much still carrying on. In their statement, they said: ““We’re entering 2020 with hope!...
The number of homicides in London has hit an 10-year high and there has been a surge in knife and gang-related killings since 2014, figures show. The Metropolitan police recorded 149 homicides in 2019 up to 30 December. In five years the homicide rate has increased by more than 50%, from 94 cases in...
Thousands of people lined the banks of the River Thames to watch the display in front of the London Eye as the clock struck midnight. More than 100,000 tickets were snapped up for the sold-out event and people were packed into the streets around Victoria Embankment to welcome the new decade. But hundreds took to social media to...
A mistake with a chip shop order and an out-of-date packet of biscuits were among more than 22,000 time-wasting calls to the Met Police this year. The force said its call handlers had identified 22,491 calls to 999 in the first 11 months of 2019 that were not emergencies. These...
President of the Atatürk Society UK (ASUK/IADD) Jale Ozel shared the association New Year message saying: “Hello to 2020; What we have experienced in 2019 is an indication that 2020 will be a much more challenging year. We are unhappy, but we are NEVER desperate. With this awareness, we call on all patriots...
A woman has been stabbed three times in the back as she pushed her child in a pram in an unprovoked attack in south London. The 36-year-old was attacked from behind by a lone man who did not speak as he repeatedly knifed her before fleeing the scene, police said. No arrests have been made....
The national living wage is to rise by 6.2% in what the government says is “the biggest cash increase ever”. The rise is more than four times the rate of inflation and takes hourly pay for people over 25 to £8.72 from April. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “For too...
Two men have been arrested after three women reported finding pills hidden in a kebab they bought during a night out. The women, all in their 20s, reported to police finding the pills in the food they had bought from the Istanbul Grill in High Street, Bognor Regis, West Sussex,...
A 19-year-old British woman has been found guilty of lying about being gang-raped by Israeli youths in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. She had been arrested after withdrawing an allegation that she was attacked by 12 young Israelis in a hotel in July. The woman had said Cypriot police made her falsely...
After eight years of preparing London base journalist Faruk Eskioğlu has published a three-part volumes collection named “The community from Turkey and North Cyprus in the UK” (Londra’da Bizim Kilker). Eskioğlu who visited our newspaper spoke about how each of the volumes focuses on different aspects of the community living...
A teenager is fighting for life and another has been injured after a shooting and stabbing in north-east London. A 17-year-old was shot and knifed while an 18-year-old was also gunned down in a street attack in Walthamstow on Sunday night. No one has been arrested, Scotland Yard said. Emergency services including armed police rushed to St James Street...
Banknotes in Britain have been changed from paper ones to polymer notes in a bid to be more environmentally friendly, secure, cleaner and stronger. So far, there are new polymer £5 and £10 notes in circulation. The Bank of England unveiled a new £20 banknote due to go into circulation...
Anti-Semitic graffiti has been daubed on a synagogue and several shops in north London during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The Star of David, a Jewish holy symbol, and 9 11 were spray-painted in Hampstead and Belsize Park on Saturday, referencing a conspiracy theory. South Hampstead Synagogue was among the...
Mete Coban received an MBE for his work engaging young people in the UK and Europe in democracy. His family narrowly avoided being deported to northern Cyprus from their council home in Hackney two decades ago. Coban, who co-founded the charity My Life My Say, said he was “I’m incredibly...