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Tag: commemorated

CTP UK and Turkish Cypriot for Labour Party are organising a commemoration event for Ilker Kilic, who lost passed away in late September of this year. Ilker Kilic, one of the prominent figures of the Turkish Cypriot left movement, lived in England for many years, made an effort for the...
VICTIMS of the Maraş massacre were commemorated in the UK Parliament on Tuesday, 4 December. The 40th anniversary commemoration was hosted by the British Alevi Federation at the UK Parliament. The Alevi Secretariat and Labour MP Joan Ryan, HDP MP Zeynep Özen, CHP MP Ali Öztunç, British Alevi Federation Chair...
A commemoration night was organised by TCCA on the night of 16 November, after the funeral of Hulus Ibrahim, one of the most important figures of the left struggle, who had to come to London when he was the leader of trade union in Cyprus. The event took place in...
THE commemoration program for the educator Kelami Dedezade, who passed away in July, took place on 17 November Saturday. A large number of guests participated in the commemoration program which took place at Duke’s Aldridge Academy, organised by the Birtish Turkish language and education consortium. TRNC Education and Culture Minister...
THE commemoration program for the educator Kelami Dedezade, who passed away in July, took place on 17 November Saturday. A large number of guests participated in the commemoration program which took place at Duke’s Aldridge Academy, organised by the Birtish Turkish language and education consortium. TRNC Education and Culture Minister...
  MUSTAFA Kemal Atatürk was commemorated with various events in London. The great leader of Turkey was commemorated at the London Embassy of Turkey on 10 November, Saturday. The Ambassador of Turkey Umit Yalçın attended the memorial event alongside representative of organisations and citizens. CHP UK COMMEMORATED ATATÜRK CHP UK...
REPRESENTATIVES of 21 British MPs and Lord Hussein Qurban and the British Alevi Federation participated in the General Assembly of the Alevi Secretariat on Tuesday, 23 October. In the general assembly of the Parliamentary Secretariat, which is inclusive of 22 parliamentarians, made an important decision concerning the Alevi community. Joan...
EXACTLY four years ago many protestors gathered in Ankara, capital of Turkey. 109 people lost their lives in this attack and yet the youngest victim was only 8 years old. CHP UK Union organised a memorial event for those who lost their live in the attack which occurred on October...
Atatük will be The founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk will be remembered on his 80th anniversary of the demise of his eternity. The Atatürk Thought Association UK has organised a memorial program called ‘Why Atatürk is immortal’ in order to commemorate Atatürk.  As the Atatürk Thought Association UK,...
ENGLAND International Democratic Union (UID UK), organised an event on Sunday 15 July to commemorate the coup attempt which occurred 15 July 2016. The event took place at Parliament Square in central London, the purpose of the event was to commemorate the citizens who lost their lives two years ago....
AKEL Political Party members Derviş Ali Kavazoğlu and Kostas Misiaoulis were commemorated at a special event dedicated to their legacy in London. The event took place on Thursday, 12 April 2017 at Cypriot Community Centre. Opening the event with his speech, Takis Hadjigeorgiou from AKEL stated: “The collapse of the...
A PRESS conference was held in the headquarters of the British Alevi Federation in London for the anniversary of the MARAŞ massacre.
Agos Newspaper’s late Editor in Chief Hrant Dink was commemorated in London on his 10th year of murder.