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Tag: Airport

The number of people flying to and from Heathrow airport has remained down by nearly 50% on pre-pandemic levels. Figures released by the west London airport show it was used by 2.9 million passengers last month. In February 2020, just before the pandemic caused people to stay at home, it...
Passengers travelling through some UK airports are being told to cover their faces and wear gloves due to Covid-19. The new rules will apply to those travelling through Manchester, Stansted and East Midlands airports from Thursday. Manchester Airports Group (MAG), which owns the sites, said the measure will show “one...
A 26-year-old man has been charged with the preparation of terrorist acts following his arrest at Heathrow Airport, Met Police have said. Mamun Rashid, from east London, was charged on Sunday after he was arrested three days earlier when he arrived on an inbound flight to the UK from Turkey....
All major UK airports must introduce 3D baggage screening equipment before the end of 2022, the government says. Ministers say the technology will boost security, speed up pre-boarding checks, and could end the restrictions on travelling with liquids and laptops. The equipment, similar to CT scanners used in hospitals, is...
As of Monday 1 July, Pegasus Airlines launched scheduled flights between Manchester Airport and Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen, from the 21 July they will be increasing their daily flights between Manchester and Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen, and adding to the airline’s four-times daily flights from London Stansted in the UK Pegasus will...
The Met Police Counter Terrorism Command has launched an investigation after three suspicious packages were received at buildings in London today, Tuesday, 5 March. The packages all A4-sized white postal bags containing yellow Jiffy bags, have been assessed by specialist officers to be small improvised explosive devices. These devices, at...
Flights were grounded for more than 36 hours when drones were first spotted close to the runway on Wednesday night. Around 1,000 aircraft were either cancelled or diverted and about 140,000 passengers disrupted during three days of disruption. The airport was forced to shut its runway for spells on Wednesday...
A 47-year-old man and 54-year-old woman from Crawley are being questioned over multiple drone sightings that brought Gatwick Airport to a standstill. Flights were grounded for more than 36 hours when drones were first spotted close to the runway on Wednesday night. The airport has since reopened and flights were...
GATWICK Airport will extend part of its North Terminal as part of a £1.11bn five-year investment plan, it has announced. The extension will help the West Sussex airport cope with rising passenger numbers, which it predicts will increase by 8m to nearly 53m per year by 2023. The primary work...
MINISTERS have outlined that their backing for a new runway at Heathrow Airport is a “historic moment” for the UK. The cabinet signed off the plans once they were approved by the government’s economic sub-committee, which is chaired by Prime Minister Theresa May. Transport Secretary Chris Grayling declared £2.6bn in compensation...
AS traffic controllers update their system to a new digital one, London’s two biggest airport will be expected to be effected with weeks of delays. The NATS will be replacing its paper flight information’s strip at its control centre in Swanwick, Hampshire with a new technology. This change will mean...
Four-time Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah says he was racially harassed by security staff at a German airport.
A MAN has lost his life after two vehicles crashed on the airfield at Heathrow Airport.
LONDON City Airport has been shut down after a World War Two bomb was discovered near the River Thames.
A BRITISH Airways pilot was forced to make a dramatic aborted landing at London City Airport after the plane was staggered by powerful winds via rapacious Storm Eleanor.
Growing uncertainty about an 'open skies' deal between the UK and European Union countries ahead of Brexit risks triggering a catastrophic slump in British air travel, according to the country's biggest airports.
The Sabiha Gökçen Airport, located on the Asian side of Istanbul, hosted a total of 3.2 million passengers last month, according to a statement from the airport’s operation company.
A man has been found guilty of trying to smuggle a pipe bomb on to a plane at Manchester Airport.