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Tag: uk

Major supermarkets are trying to fill thousands of new jobs while creating golden hours for NHS workers to cope with surging demand. Tesco, the UK’s biggest grocer, is recruiting 20,000 temporary workers for at least the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak. Sainsbury’s says health care workers will be able...
Cafes, pubs and restaurants must close from Friday night, except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said. All the UK’s nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres have also been asked to close “as soon as they reasonably can”. Mr Johnson said the situation...
The first flight to take Turkish Cypriot students in the UK back to North Cyprus will be leaving tonight. Some 160 students lined the check-in desk at Stansted Airport as they prepared to be flown back home as thousands have been left uncertain, alone and worried as the coronavirus pandemic...
More than 65,000 former doctors and nurses are being asked to return to the NHS to help tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Letters will be sent out to medics who have retired or left their roles in the last three years, and have up-to-date skills and experience. People vulnerable to coronavirus will not...
The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed today’s daily update on UK coronavirus case. As of 9 am 19 March 2020, a total of 64,621 people have been tested of those 61,352 have been negative and 3,269 positive cases in the UK. 144 people have died as a result of...
The Bank of England has cut interest rates again in an emergency move as it tries to support the UK economy in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. It is the second cut in interest rates in just over a week, bringing them down to 0.1% from 0.25%. Interest rates...
THE Royal College of Midwives said the appointments were “essential to ensure the wellbeing of pregnant women and their babies”. The government says limited evidence suggests there are no coronavirus-related complications in pregnancy. But pregnant women are being advised to limit their social contact. Officials say they should stay away...
Schools across the UK will close from Friday until further notice, the education secretary has announced. Speaking in the House of Commons, Gavin Williamson also confirmed that exams and assessments would not be held this academic year. He told MPs: “I want to provide parents, students and staff with the...
THE Turkish-speaking community in London, which experienced a great sadness after the announcement that a Turkish Cypriot woman died in the hospital where he was treated in South London on Tuesday, was shaken by the second bitter news Today. It was announced that The England Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi’s...
Government-backed loans worth £330bn and a three-month mortgage holiday have been announced by the chancellor as part of “unprecedented” measures to help businesses and families. Rishi Sunak unveiled the package of support at a Downing Street news conference on Tuesday as he said the UK faced an “economic emergency” in...
UPDATED: 19.03.2020 14:54 Two flights have been arranged for Turkish Cypriot students in the UK to be flown back to North Cyprus on with the first one taking off on Friday 20 March. The students will be flown home via Istanbul onto Ercan when they will be then taken to...
Turkey has halted travel to and from 20 countries including the UK. As of 8 am tomorrow(17 March) morning UK citizens will not be allowed entrance into Turkey. The UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Citizens of those countries...
London ‘a few weeks ahead’ of other places London is a few weeks ahead in terms of the virus curve than other places – meaning transmission is happening more rapidly, the PM says. For this reason, he says, those in the capital need to be especially cautious. The government, he...
Young and award-winning fashion designer Tuncer Tonun, exhibited ‘The Birth of the Goddess’ collection at the charity night organised by Prostate Cancer UK and SANE a mental health charity. On Thursday, March 5, Tonun participated in the special nights of the Cancel Cancer Africa and British Red Cross associations as...
Homicide detectives investigating the murders of two cousins in London just six months apart are appealing for the public’s help in the bringing their killers to justice. Cafer Aslan, aged 54, was found suffering fatal gunshot injuries on Westminster Road at the junction with Bounces Road in Enfield on Wednesday,...
The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed today’s daily update on UK coronavirus case. As of 9 am 14 March 2020, a total of 40,279 people have been tested of those 38,907 have been negative and 1,372 positive cases in the UK. 35 people have died as a result of...
The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed 1140 cases coronavirus in the UK. As of 9 am 14 March 2020, a total of 37,746 people have been tested of those 36,606 have been negative and 1140 positive cases in the UK. 21 people have died as a result of the coronavirus.
İngiltere Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından yapılan son açıklamaya göre virüsten etkilenen 21 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği doğrulandı.