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Tag: mayor of london

The Mayor of London has said this morning that if London is moved into Tier 3 it would be ‘catastrophic’. The city is currently in Tier 2 – meaning household mixing is banned indoors – but pubs can stay open if they can operate as restaurants. Speaking live on Sky...
Transport for London’s current funding arrangement with the Government has been extended two weeks as talks between the two continue. Ministers are demanding that London’s congestion charge zone is extended and fares are raised in return for a £1 billion bailout package, Sky News reported. A TfL spokeswoman confirmed that...
THE mayor of London has called on the government to provide funding for local authorities to house homeless people in Covid-secure locations over the winter months. In a letter to Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick, Sadiq Khan said “self-contained accommodation like hotels” were the “safest way to protect those who would...
  London is to be added to the national coronavirus watchlist, while Leeds, Cardiff and Swansea face new restrictions, it has been announced. Leeds is likely to face new restrictions from midnight including a ban on households mixing, its city council leader has said. Cardiff and Swansea will go into...
Today the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is set to meet with London’s council leaders to discuss the possibility of local lockdowns in the capital. The meeting is being held in response to a worrying rise in coronavirus cases in the city over the past few weeks. Health Secretary Matt Hancock and...
ELIF Mira, 6 years old, was affected by the plastic bottle pollution she saw in the sea, and she and her father wrote a book called Bott-Lee, which explains the importance of recycling. The aim was to raise awareness among young children for environmental matters. The famous illustrator Bebabalula made...
The congestion charge in London is to increase by 30% next month and will be enforced seven days a week, as the mayor of London struggles to pay for the transport system. The government has confirmed a £1.6bn bailout of Transport for London (TfL) after fares income fell by 90% in the...
Hotel beds have been offered to rough sleepers in London to help protect them against coronavirus. About 300 rooms were made available this weekend to vulnerable people already known to homelessness charities as part of an initial trial. London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s office is working with Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG)...
LEWISHAM and Croydon have been named London Boroughs of Culture. The winning bids, one of which was backed by grime artist Stormzy, saw off competition from five other boroughs. Lewisham will receive the title and £1.35m prize in 2021, followed by Croydon in 2023. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said:...
THE Mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavaş took part in the think-tank Chatham House’s “The state of democracy in Turkey” in London. Stating that Turkish people embraced democracy indisputably, Yavaş said that the people wanted real sovereignty.  Explaining that “The results of the 2019 local elections showed everyone how strongly the...
The Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu was in London last week from the 13-15 November. İmamoğlu started his two-day visit today (Thursday 14 November) first meeting with Turkey’s London Ambassador Ümit Yalçin. He then visited Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Relations) to meet with Vice President Sir Simon Fraser....
MAYOR of Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu is in London from the 13-15 November. Imamoglu will visit the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, and will meet the world’s largest investment and finance companies including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citi Group, HSBC, BlackStone and Bridgepoint Capital Group. İmamoğlu has started his two-day visit...
UBER will have to re-apply to operate in London after a shock decision to extend its licence by only two months. Transport for London announced the ride-hailing business, whose app is used by about four million Londoners, was effectively being kept on probation. TfL had been expected to extend Uber’s 15-month licence, granted...
PLANS to bring swimming to Broomfield Park in Palmers Green, north London, has now won a £40,000 pledge from the Mayor of London. And the Broomfield Pond Swim Society is now crowdfunding to raise more cash to make the project happen. The society is hoping to raise £121,277 to fix broken pipes and desilt the...
Backers of the proposed Tulip tower in the City of London are considering an appeal after Sadiq Khan threw out their application for the 1,000ft tourist attraction. US developers the Tulip Project, backed by the billionaire banker Jacob Safra, said they were “disappointed” by the Mayor’s decision to direct City of London planners to...
The Mayor of London has set up a £1 million programme to counter the rise of the far-Right in London, Countering Violent Extremism will give money to groups working with people at risk of radicalisation. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: “The rise of the far-Right in the UK and across the globe...
ROUGH-SLEEPING figures in London have hit a record high, with 8,855 people recorded as bedding down on the capital’s street last year, according to annual Chain figures published by the Greater London Authority. The latest figures were two and half times the equivalent number recorded in 2009-10 when 3,673 people were identified...
On Saturday 8 June thousands of people celebrated Eid Al-Fitr at Trafalgar Square. This year’s festival marks the 14th eid festival hosted by the Mayor of London since its start in 2006. The annual event celebrating the end of Ramadan. With food, drinks and entertainment the day-long event the square...