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Tag: labour

A Labour shadow minister has resigned after making “misjudged” comments relating to gay marriage. Janet Daby suggested registrars who have a religious objections to same-sex marriage should be protected from losing their jobs if they refuse to certify the partnership. It is unlawful discrimination for registrars to refuse to perform same-sex weddings....
Labour MP Claudia Webbe has been charged with harassing a woman.   Ms Webbe, who represents Leicester East, is accused of one count of harassment between September 2018 and April this year. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said the 55-year-old MP is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on...
Sir Keir Starmer has won the contest to succeed Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader. The shadow Brexit secretary, who has been an MP since 2015, beat out competition from front bench colleague Rebecca Long-Bailey and Wigan MP Lisa Nandy. He described becoming leader as “the honour and the privilege of...
Voting in the contest to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader has closed. Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy or Sir Keir Starmer will be announced as the new leader on Saturday. The party’s next deputy leader – replacing Tom Watson who resigned in December – will also be revealed. It is...
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will face each other later in the first TV debate of the election campaign. The head-to-head between the Conservative and Labour leaders, hosted by news presenter Julie Etchingham, will be shown on ITV at 8 pm. It comes after the Lib Dems and SNP lost...
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has announced his party will back a vote for an early general election today after the party block three votes for an election saying they would not back it until a no-deal Brexit off the table. Corbyn said his condition of taking a no-deal Brexit off the...
Hackney Council’s deputy mayor and cabinet member for health, social care Feryal Clark (Demirci) has been selected as Labour’s MP candidate for Enfield North. Labour former MP John Ryan’s resignation in February and an MP of the Independent Group for Change accounted she would not be standing at the next...
Opposition MPs say they have agreed to try to block a no-deal Brexit by passing legislation in Parliament. A meeting between those opposed to no deal was called by Jeremy Corbyn. A joint statement afterwards did not detail how or when legislative attempts would be made, but Green MP Caroline...
ON the Saturday 20 July four Enfield Council Labour councillors attended at Unison, the Labour Party launched its report on Democratising Local Public Services. The report outlines how the Labour party plans to make it easier for Councils to in-source public services by changing the legal framework that was set...
The Mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavaş met with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn during his visit to the UK. Sharing on his social media pages images yesterday (6 June) and a message that he spent a day visiting and talking with a number of politicians in London. Yavaş met with...
Alastair Campbell, a lead campaigner for another Brexit referendum, said he was “sad and disappointed”. He said he voted Lib Dem “to try to persuade Labour to do the right thing”, but “always will be Labour” and appeal. Shadow minister Dawn Butler said members who admitted voting for another party...
The Watchdog launches Labour anti-Semitism probe as demands for Tory Islamophobia inquiry grows. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a formal investigation into the Labour Party over allegations of anti-Semitism. The watchdog told the party in March it had received a number of complaints and was considering its next...
Enfield Council has confirmed its new cabinet members with Cllr Nesil Caliskan continuing as the Leader of the Council and Cllr Ian Barnes acting as her deputy. Cllr Caliskan said: “Our new cabinet members will take up important roles to serve the people of Enfield, to deliver decent public services....
it has been announced that The Duchess of Sussex has given birth to a boy. Prince Harry said they were both “absolutely thrilled” and thanked the public for their support during the pregnancy. Adding that the couple is still thinking of baby names for the new arrival. it was announced...
The Labour party’s governing body has agreed to support a further referendum on Brexit under certain circumstances. Demanding a public vote if it cannot get changes to the government’s deal or an election. The National Executive Committee rejected campaigning for a referendum under all circumstances – as supported by deputy...
SEVEN MPs have resigned from the Labour Party in protest at Jeremy Corbyn’s approach to Brexit and anti-Semitism. The seven MPS are inclusive of the following: Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey. Berger stated that Labour had become institutionally anti-Semitic and...
Labour frontbencher Kate Osamor has quit her role to support her family, after allegedly throwing a bucket of water at a newspaper journalist. It comes weeks after she was reported to Parliament’s standards watchdog. Earlier in the year, the Edmonton MP’s son, Ishmael – then a Haringey councillor – was...
BUSINESSES looking for new employee are being hit by labour shortages, with a “reversal” in the number of migrants in UK workplaces, says HR body the CIPD. With the Brexit deadline approaches, the CIPD says the shortage of both EU and non-EU migrants reflect a falling interest in the UK...