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Tag: held

THE NHS Blood and Transplant service have asked people to keep donating blood as the UK begins a coronavirus clampdown. While the service’s stock levels are currently good, they have said they need donors to keep travelling to their donating sessions during the clampdown. The service has said there have been no confirmed...
THE CHRISTMAS breakfast, traditionally held every year by the Stoke Newington Police Station, this year was held at Urfa Ocakbaşı Restaurant in Stoke Newington, on Monday morning 10 December. The breakfast included Hackney’s Mayor Philip Glanville, representatives of associations and non-governmental organisations, along will police officers from the Stoke Newington...
THE Culture and Arts Talks events has been organised by the London Yunus Emre Institute since January 2017, the 9th series of the talk took place on 6 December, whereby Dr.Bora Keskiner participated as a guest speaker. Dr.Bora Keskiner made a presentation about ‘Calligrapher Sultans’ at the London Emre Institute...
THE ENFIELD Alevi Cultural Centre held their first general assembly on Saturday, 24 November. The board of directors are as follows: Chairwomen – Zeynep Demir, Vice President – Miray Kaplan, Vice President – Hasan Gül, Secretary – Gülbahar Aslan, Assistant Secretary – Meral Ateş, Treasurer – Free Green, Accountant –...
WITHIN the scope of his visits to the World Travel Market 2018 Tourism Fair in London, TRNC Minister ofTourism and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu attended the North Cyprus Tourism and Investment Opportunities Seminar Travel organised by MUSIAD UK and MUSIAD TRNC on Tuesday, November 6. In the course of his visits#...
THE event titled “The Black history in the Turkish Cypriot and Turkish communities” took place on Friday, 2 November at 19:00pm at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association. The Turkish Cypriot and Turkish members of the black community had organised this event to enlighten the community about the black roots in...
THE program for Muslims holy night regaip kandil  was held at the Turkish Diyanet Vakfı Mosque.Regaip Kandili, the first important night of the three holy months, was held on the night of March 22nd, Thursday, after the evening prayer. Despite being on weeknight, the program, which took place with intense...
A HEALTH seminar was held at Enfield Cemevi on Sunday February 18 at 3pm.
A COMMEMORATION event was organised on Friday 19th January by the Armenian Institute, Article 19 and English Pen at Free World Centre for the 11th anniversary of the assassination of Istanbul Armenian journalist Hrant Dink.
A PANEL was held in the CHP UK on the anniversary of the Turkish women’s right to vote gained to elect on 5 December 1934.
THE Marathon Junior Club, which will be held for students who continue for the 6th class, announced that the first boarding program will be held on Tuesday, October 24 and Friday, October 27.
A charity-fair campaign is set to take place by the UETD and the headquarters of the Turkish Kızılay.
The family of one of the Parsons Green terror suspects spoke of their shock at his arrest, saying “he loves the UK”, it was reported today.
A man held by police over the Finsbury Park attack has been identified as 47-year-old father of four Darren Osborne.