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Tag: flights

 The UK government responded to the petition ‘Authorise direct flights from the United Kingdom to North Cyprus (TRNC)’. If a petition gets 10,000 signatures, the government is entitled to respond. Hence, the government has responded to the petition, which was launched to gain support for direct flights to North Cyprus....
Air passengers arriving in Britain will soon have to quarantine for a fortnight as part of a move to avoid a second peak of the coronavirus. Airlines UK, the trade body for UK registered airlines, has confirmed to Sky News that the move will be introduced by the government for...
Ertugrul Mehmet, the Chair of the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations (CTCA), underlined that a large number of TRNC citizens are stranded in England due to the coronavirus epidemic and underlined the need to organize a third additional flight after it was announced that next week 2 flights had been booked...
Turkey has halted travel to and from 20 countries including the UK. As of 8 am tomorrow(17 March) morning UK citizens will not be allowed entrance into Turkey. The UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Citizens of those countries...
Travel restrictions and a slump in demand as a result of the coronavirus pandemic have forced airlines to lay off staff and cut more flights. On Monday, British Airways owner IAG said it planned to cut capacity by at least 75% in April and May. IAG boss Willie Walsh, who was...
From midnight onwards, UK citizens flying to North Cyprus will not be allowed to enter the country. The Council of Ministers in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has announced a series of latest measures on Thursday to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country The measures were announced...
Atlasglobal Airlines announced on today (13 Dec) that the company will recommence their flights on Monday after the cash flow problems of the company have been resolved by the officials. Following earlier announcement published on November 26 informing the company forced to pause its operations until December 21 due to...
CONERNS of Brexit disruption have failed to deter passengers from booking flights next summer with EasyJet. Bookings were “promising” and slightly ahead of summer this year, with half its seats sold for the first half of 2019, the airline said. Pre-tax profits soared 41% to £578m for the year to...
   Muhammet Yaşarata, the head of the UK Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce has launched a petition campaign for the launch of direct charter flights to Northern Cyprus. Conservative MP RT Hon Iain Duncan Smith has also expressed support for this campaign and promised to lead a parliamentary recommendation on...
OVER 2,000 British Airways passengers have had their tickets called off by virtue of the prices being too cheap, a travel agent has stated. Travel Up chief Ali Shah stated that he presumes other five agencies also sold tickets due to the airlines mistake. British Airways has apologised for the...
MUHAMMET Yaşarata, the President of Turkısh Cypriot Chamber of Commerce UK has emphasized the isolations and various impediments imposed on Turkish Cypriots for decades and has asserted that the recently launched direct charter flights campaign is a vital opportunity which will undoubtedly enforce various impacts for Turkish Cypriots. Muhammet Yaşarata...
British Airways has cancelled dozens of flights amid warnings that almost every part of the UK will be hit by snow over the next two days.
A three-month-old ban on taking electronic devices such as laptops onto aircraft cabins on flights from Turkey to the United States was lifted on July 5, Doğan News Agency has reported.
Back in May, Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority had surprisingly launched new regulations on Pegasus Airlines’ UK-Cyprus flights, which incited a major disappointment.