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Tag: weather

Brits are heading into a scorching three days as a potentially record-breaking heatwave hits the UK for August Bank Holiday. Forecasters say the upcoming weekend will see glorious sunshine replace the wind and rain that has dominated the month. And by Sunday, temperatures may reach 32C – beating the bank...
The UK is expecting its hottest day on record, with temperatures of up to 39C (102.2F) forecast in London as well as southern and eastern England. The current record is 38.5C (101.3F) from August 2003. Thousands of commuters have been hit by disruptions in areas where trains are running a...
The UK is having its hottest day of the year, with temperatures soaring across southern England. A temperature of 30.8C  was recorded in Charlwood in Surrey at just before midday, with the mercury expected to keep rising. It is said that the temperature in London could reach 34C today. Friday...
The Met office has issued a yellow weather warning for the next two days saying” Thunderstorms may develop bringing torrential rain, hail and lightning to a few places, with potential disruption to travel and flooding.” Last week saw the Linchore town of Wainfleet flooded with over 580 home and some...
The UK is set to bask in a blanket of heat after a gruelling night of thunder and heavy hail signals an end to a miserable May and brings highs of 23C this week. Following the cold and blustery tonight, where temperatures are expected to drop to as low as -4C...
Met Office has said: “Temperatures will start to rise day by day and with the sun getting stronger at this time of year, it’s going to feel warm or very warm by the time we get to Good Friday and Easter Saturday.” “Temperatures will reach into the low 20s Celsius...
The UK is set to be battered by strong winds from Storm Gareth this week, starting from today the Met Office has warned. Yellow weather warnings are in place for today covering all of Wales and Scotland and the vast majority of England. The Met Office says there could be...
Yesterday saw the 1998 record for February’s hottest day broken in 20.8°C at at Porthmadog, Gwynedd in Wales. Yesterday’s 20.8C record has been short lived today the Met Office has recorder a high of 21.3C in Kew Gardens London. The record has been broken for the second convective day. This time...
Today the temperature has reached  20.8C, the highest recorded temperature in the  UK. The Met Office has recorded 20.8°C at at Porthmadog, Gwynedd in Wales breaking the 1998 record of 19.7C in Greenwich. Met Office meteorologist Helen Roberts said: “This morning there will be some fog patches, particularly in the...
The Met Office has issues a yellow warning of snow and ice from tonight until Friday across the UK and the South East. Today alone has 4 separate yellow weather warnings for the UK. With highlands expected to see up to 10cm worth of snow fall tonight. The warning will...
THE UK economy grew by 0.6% in the three months to September, with warm weather boosting consumer spending, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The figure for the third quarter is in line with predictions from the Bank of England and other forecasters.  However, buoyant growth in July...
Heavy rain has been forecast in the UK over the weekend with weather warnings already place in across swathes of the country. A yellow weather warning for rain is in place on today (9 November) for parts of south-west England and Wales, as well as parts of Scotland and Northern...
Winds of up to 80 mph could put lives at risk and disrupt travel and power supplies across parts of the the UK as Storm Ali sweeps in. An amber, “be prepared”, weather warning is in force from 08:00 BST in Northern Ireland, Scotland and the north of England. Very heavy rain is...
During the extremely warm weather we’re experiencing it can often be tempting to sunbathe out the back garden or even in the front garden of your house. Some people even take it one step further and go completely naked to get a tan. However, you may want to think again,...