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Tag: media

The UK’s Ambassador to Ankara, Dominick Chilcott, shared on Twitter:  “The UK government remains very great full to the Turkish government for its support of the UK’s requirements for PPE” “Stories in the UK media that 400K items of PPE sent from Turkey are unusable are untrue,” Chilcott wrote on...
DAYMER has organised a panel discussion called ‘Media under authoritarian rule’ which will take place on 17 March at 22 Moorefield Road, N17 6PY. Journalist and writer Can Dundur, Ethical Journalism Network founder and chair Aidan White and Journalist Deniz Yucel will be the main speakers of the event. Daymer...
A study occurred in regards stress and anxiety in London. The study has revealed the ‘most stressed’ borough via social media posts. According to the study, Westminster is the most stressed borough in the capital, which has been revealed in new analysis of the Londoners social media posts. The study...
VIRGIN Media has been accused of leaving holes in people’s walls and not following up complaints to fix the damage. One customer said he has so far waited six weeks to have a 10in (25.4cm) crater-like hole repaired. Complaints left on social media often say that requests for calls or web chats...
FACEBOOK and Instagram are establishing a new tool to limit how much time people spend on their apps. The announcement follows concerns that excessive social media use can have a negative impact on mental health. Users will now be able to check how much time they’ve spent scrolling, set a...
  STEPHANOS IOANNOUE, Greek Cypriot Enfield, Southgate councillor has shared a racist post in regards to the event which occurred in Cyprus on 20 July 1974. Stephanos Ioannou, councillor of a constituency whereby is formulated of a vast amount of Turkish Cypriot people has shared a post of the front...
Recently there has been changing innovations for businesspeople which came to England alongside the Ankara agreement. As a result, many solidarity networks have been formed in particular on social media. The solidarity network was established with the necessity the notion of “It about time we unite!” Leni Candan triggered this...
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has visited London to make official talks just before the early elections in Turkey which will be held on 24 June. During his three day visit, Erdoğan held meetings with foreign investors, spoke at various forums and gave an interview to foreign media organisations....
A campaign has marked for the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to step down has overflowed social media. The campaign resulted after Erdoğan, who has been in power in Turkey for 15 years, stated in a speech to Parliament on Tuesday that “if one day our nation says ‘enough’, then...
    A number of law students have been expelled from the University of Exeter over allegations of racism. An internal investigation was launched in March after “vile” comments from Bracton law society’s WhatsApp group were shared on social media. Those involved received expulsions, suspensions and other sanctions, according to...
16 YAŞINDA dergi çıkararak iş dünyasına adım attı, şu an İngiltere'nin en zengin ilk 5 iş adamından biri! Richard Branson ilham verici hayat öyküsüyle hepimize örnek olmayı başarıyor.
The proposals for new regulations follow months of complaints about the abuse of sociSocial media sites face being made to pay for action to tackle online bullying, the Culture Secretary has announced.
BORN and raised in England, Yusuf Tör, 24 years old, has brought a new breath to social media through his smart phone application.
Several Turkish human rights associations have slammed a number of media reports on the recent detention of human rights activists for “defaming and criminalizing” the rights activists.
The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond met the local media in North London as part of a press conference on Thursday, 1st June.