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Tag: increase

HOUSE prices grew at the fastest annual pace for more than 17 years in March despite the cost of living crisis, according to Nationwide. Annual growth in house prices hit 14.3% in February, the mortgage lender said, the strongest pace since November 2004. The cost of a typical UK home...
The price of a first class stamp has risen by 10p to 95p as Royal Mail seeks to cover higher delivery costs while the number of letters being sent falls. Second class stamps have also increased by 2p to 68p. Royal Mail said it was having to deliver to a...
Almost half of adults were struggling to pay their energy bills before the biggest jump in prices in living memory came into effect this week, figures suggest. Some 43% of adults in Britain who pay energy bills said they were finding this very or somewhat difficult in March, according to the Office for...
Covid infections in London have soared by almost 50 per cent in a week, fuelled by the more infectious BA.2 strain of Omicron, the return to work and greater socialising. There has also been a 28 per cent increase in the number of people with the virus being admitted to hospital in the capital, with the number of beds occupied...
NEARLY two-thirds of Londoners say looming hikes in council tax are not justified, a new poll reveals on Wednesday. The YouGov survey for the Queen Mary University of London’s Mile End Institute found 64 per cent of adults in the capital do not believe the council tax rises in April...
Interest rates have increased for the third time in four months as the Bank of England tries to calm the rise in the cost of living. The rise from 0.5% to 0.75% means rates are now at their highest level since March 2020, when Covid lockdowns began. Energy bills and...
Travellers returning from red list destinations could be facing paying an extra £500 to pay for their quarantine hotel stay. Under plans reportedly being considered, the price could increase to more than £2,250 in a bid to stop people from making ‘unnecessary trips’ to high-risk countries. Ministers are said to...
More than 250,000 workers at living wage employers are set for a pay rise after the independently-calculated figure for the real living wage was increased to £9.50 an hour and £10.85 in London. The real living wage is not compulsory on employers, but the 2.1 per cent increase in the...
Tough new limits on social gatherings have come into force in the UK, meaning it is now illegal for groups of more than six to meet up. The “rule of six” kicked in at midnight across England, Wales and Northern Ireland in a divisive push to curb the recent surge in coronavirus infections. Yesterday, more than...
The Health Secretary appealed to under 25s, particularly those aged 17 to 21, to take the guidelines seriously because “nobody wants to see a second wave here”. He said this age group accounted for a large number of positive cases, concentrated among more affluent young people. It comes as one million...
THE Royal Mail is increasing the cost of postage, with first-class stamps rising 6p to 76p and second-class up 4p to 65p. Prices will climb from 23 March, less than a year after they were hiked to their current levels. The 65p second-class stamp is the maximum under an Ofcom...
UNEMPLOYMENT increased faster in London than in the rest of the UK, according to new figures. The unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to an estimated 4.6% in the June-to-August period, compared to 3.9% nationally. The Office for National Statistics said employment growth had “cooled noticeably”. But the unemployment rate is still close to...
ROUGH-SLEEPING figures in London have hit a record high, with 8,855 people recorded as bedding down on the capital’s street last year, according to annual Chain figures published by the Greater London Authority. The latest figures were two and half times the equivalent number recorded in 2009-10 when 3,673 people were identified...
JANUARY the month in which drinks say no to alcohol… or maybe not this year, figures have shown that sales of alcohol have increase 10% compared to December festival period. Supermarkets have seen a “Dry January” boost in sales rather than a presumed fall. As new hashtag #Ginuary helped gin...
AFTER 9 years of no increase in their council tax, Haringey Council is consulting to increase its council tax in order to support deal with increasing budget pressures. £122 million reduction in government funding has mean hard cuts in service and the budget have had to be made. The council...
A survey has suggested that an average price of student accommodation in the UK has increased by almost a third in six years. The increase has been triggered by the standard of accommodation moving away steadily upmarket, research by student housing charity Unipol and the National Union of Students (NUS)...
EFFORTS to increase the number of people shopping on UK High Streets has been given a boost by search giant Google. It has teamed up with start-up NearSt to help consumers see what is available in their local shops via the web. The search results will also tell people the...
THE number of thefts and robberies at cash machines in London has gone up by nearly 60 per cent over the last ten years. A Freedom of Information (FoI) request by MoneySuperMarket has revealed how from 2007 to 2017 there were nearly 1,400 robberies and thefts by ATMs in the...