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Tag: home

HUNDREDS of reports of parents and carers being attacked by their teenage or young adult children are received by the Metropolitan police every year, a ground-breaking report revealed Tuesday. The analysis of child-to-parent violence and abuse – primarily young adult men attacking their mother – unearthed 846 allegations in 2018,...
THE number of first-time buyers in Britain has almost doubled in the past year according to new research. It’s optimistic news, but unfortunately, it is not seemingly getting through to would-be homeowners — nearly two-thirds of whom still fear they will never make it onto the property ladder. New research...
People in England should work from home “if they can” to reduce social mixing and slow the spread of the virus, Michael Gove has said. The Cabinet Office Minister also told some news channels this moring that trials of spectators at sports fixtures would be “paused”. It comes as pubs,...
UPDATED: 19.03.2020 14:54 Two flights have been arranged for Turkish Cypriot students in the UK to be flown back to North Cyprus on with the first one taking off on Friday 20 March. The students will be flown home via Istanbul onto Ercan when they will be then taken to...
HEALTH bosses have expressed “serious concerns” over the possible re-accreditation of the UK’s largest group of registered homeopaths. In a letter to the Professional Standards Authority, they said it gives “a false impression” to the public that their treatments are “clinically and scientifically established”. Homeopathy should not be recommended to...
PRICES for the UK housing market have picked up in April after falling in values the previous month, according to the country’s biggest mortgage lender. The Halifax, part of Lloyds Banking Group, said property values rose by 1.1% in April compared with March when prices fell 1.25%. The annual rate...
SCIENTIST have been modifying house plants will be enable them to clean the hazardous particles in the air of your home. Air filters to not clean smaller particles such as chloroform and benzene, which have both been linked to cancer. A team at University of Washington has been modifying Pothos...
According to the recent statement by the Resolution Foundation, the best way for young people to own their own home is having property owned by parents. Young people with parents which have property wealth are almost three times more likely to be home owners by 30. The report established by...
A 98-year-old pensioner is fighting for his life after being attacked and robbed by heartless burglars in a “senseless” attack. Police has stated the frail OAP was found with numerous “serious injuries” subsequently to the “brutal” and “senseless” attack at his home in Enfield, north London, on Tuesday, 6 November....
THE Crime Minister, Victoria Atkins, on Monday 8 October, hosted the first in a series of monthly events taking place across the country, aimed at tackling serious violence. The events, led by Home Office ministers, have been clarified to bring together local partners to take action against serious violence in...
ABOUT 40% of young adults cannot afford to buy one of the cheapest homes in their area even with a 10% deposit, according to a new research. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said house prices in England have risen by 173% over two decades. But average pay for 25-34 year-olds...
FIGURES have shown that first-time buyers from London and the South-East alone have saved a staggering £80 million after stamp duty tax was reformed. Last year Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that stamp duty for first time home owner would be scrapped on properties coasting £300,000 or less in a bid...
BUSINESSPEOPLE here in the UK under the Ankara Agreements, complying with the terms found themselves left in a state of chaos after the Home Office’s announced on the 16 March of this year, that they would not be accepting any more applications for indefinitely until further notices. Until this point...
BASED in Enfield, Lincoln Windows Ltd a proven door and windows distributor holds 30 years’ experience as a family run team of window manufacturers and window fitters. Lincoln Windows provides the best high quality product and services whereby, you will be advised the best windows and doors. As Londra Gazete...
RECENT research proceeded in terms of commutes. education, health and crimes rates has revealed the best family zones in London. Walton- on – Thames in Surrey has been chosen as the best place to live in London and the home counties if you would like to raise a family. With...
BREXIT süreci ile ilgisi var mıdır bilinmez fakat bu yıl içerisinde Home Office tarafından Ankara Anlaşmalılar için alınan kararlar birçok iş insanını olumsuz etkiledi. Bu hafta sizler için, 16 Mart’ta alınan ILR başvurularının (süresiz oturum izni) durdurulmasının ardından sürenin 4 yıldan 5 yıla uzaması, başvuru ücreti ve İngilizce sınav şartı...
EU citizens will have to answer three “simple” questions online if they want to continue living in the UK after Brexit, the home secretary has said. Sajid Javid said the government’s “default” position would be to grant, not refuse, settled status.People will be asked to prove their ID, whether they...
A new report has revealed that Londoners need a 283 percent pay rise to be able to purchase a home in the capital city. Households need an annual salary of roughly £134,000 to afford a property however average annual incomes in London are £35,610, the National Housing Federation’s Home Truths...