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Tag: capital

Last night Boris Johnson offered little hope for London businesses hoping to escape from lockdown before December 2. The Prime Minister said that although the case rate in the capital was “flattening”, he had seen new data this morning that showed it was doubling in the nation as a whole. Mr Johnson was answering...
NEW York has overtaken London to become the world’s top financial centre, in a shift largely blamed on Brexit chaos. A survey of 180 financial executives found that more than half of respondents now see New York as the world’s top financial centre, up 10% from 2018. While 36% see London as the leader, down...
SAJID Javid has called on the Metropolitan Police to step up its response to knife crime following a fresh spate of stabbings across the capital. The Home Secretary urged the force to make full use of police powers, including stop and search, as its officers seek to end the violence....
New York has over taken London as the world top financial centre. In a report publish New York is now ranking 788 point passing London’s 786. “These centres may be the main beneficiaries of the uncertainty caused by Brexit,” the Global Financial Centres Index said. Hong Kong is now just...
A new report has revealed that Londoners need a 283 percent pay rise to be able to purchase a home in the capital city. Households need an annual salary of roughly £134,000 to afford a property however average annual incomes in London are £35,610, the National Housing Federation’s Home Truths...
THE Atatürk Society UK attended the Atatürk Thought World Platform’s meeting in Vienna, Austria. The Atatürkists, travelled to Austria’s capital Vienna from all over the world, once more reaffirmed their determination to unity, solidarity, and solidarity under the Atatürk’s Ideal World Platform (ADDP) umbrella. The first meeting of the year...
NEW PLANS for a network of water fountains for the capital have proposed to cut back on the amount of plastic bottled used. In the few short weeks of 2018 it’s clear to see that the UK is pushing to reduce the amount of plastic we use.
ISLAMIC Community Milli Görüş (ICMG) UK organisation a protested against the US’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
The capital’s streets have been decorated with rainbow patterns to raise awareness and prepare for this weekend's Pride in London parade.
The capital’s 24-hour transport network was expanded again today after it was announced the London Overground will run through the night from December.