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Tag: bus

Londra’nın güney ve batı bölgelerindeki otobüs şoförlerinin Noel’e kadar 10 günlük grev eylemi düzenleyeceği açıklandı. Unite sendikası, Abellio merkezli yaklaşık 1000 üyesinin maaş anlaşmazlığı nedeniyle istifa edeceğini söyledi. Grevden etkilenecek alanlar arasında Battersea, Beddington, Hayes, Southall, Twickenham ve Walworth yer alıyor. Abellio ve Transport for London (TfL) ile görüş alışverişinde...
  Three children have been seriously injured and more than a dozen more hurt after a double-decker school bus crashed into a bridge in Hampshire. Police were called to a “serious collision” on Well House Lane, Winchester, at 8.10am. “A school bus collided with a railway bridge causing significant damage...
Transport for London (TfL) has set out plans to extend the hours of bus lanes on its roads in London. TfL has set out proposals to extend operating hours, in recognition of the “customer shift away from peak hours” sparked by the coronavirus pandemic. A trial of the “24-hour corridor” system, planned for...
  SCHOOL bus drivers for Hackney’s disabled students face more disruption as the council and Unite member who are the drivers have not solved a dispute over shift payments. Last month saw the Unite members held two days of strikes, this week planned strike have been cancelled before the talks...
The four-day event in which Londoners fro the EU will get a chance to get free legal advice has now started. The Mayor of Londons campaign #LondonIsOpen is holding a mobile event in which a London bus will be traveling around the capital to selected points officer 1 to 1 and group seminars with...
A union has announced that the Mayor of London must take “decisive action” to prevent people being murdered and injured by buses in London. Figures from Transport for London (TfL) has released a sum of 6,725 people which were killed or injured by London buses within July 2017 and June...
  A bus driver has been hurt following police reports of gunshots fired outside a London Tube station. Armed officers and others from the Metropolitan Police were called to Turnpike Lane station in Wood Green, north London, at 00:24 GMT. A bus driver, aged in his 50s, was found with...
One person was taken to hospital after a London double-decker bus crashed into the front garden of a house. The 118 Brixton service ploughed through a fence and hit the home in Streatham Vale, south London, shortly before 9pm on Boxing Day. Three people were treated at the scene for...
A 16 year old boy was stabbed on a 234 route on Monday 10 December, police are appealing for help identify three people following a stabbing in north London. Officers and the London Ambulance Service attended. The victim was taken to a central London hospital for treatment to his injury...
A 15-year-old girl has been critically injured and 19 other people hurt as a double-decker London bus collided with two vehicles and hit a bus shelter. The bus collided with a car, a single-decker bus and hit a shelter at West Croydon bus station at about 12:20 GMT. The driver...
A woman who says she was racially assaulted on a London bus has called for transport companies to keep CCTV material for longer, after footage of her attack was deleted in just 10 days. Makedah Simpson reported the incident to police immediately but the case was dropped due to a...
There has been a great increase in the number of penalties for people driving in bus lanes, numbers has increased by 31 percent in Haringey. Recent research made by Click4Reg demonstrated that in 2016 Haringey council published almost 18,000 penalty charge notices for unauthorised vehicles driving in bus lanes. Amongst...
A bus has ploughed into dozens of cars stuck in traffic in a busy town centre, leaving a trail of devastation. Seventeen people suffered injuries, believed to be minor, in the crash which saw 25 vehicles damaged in Hythe Street, Dartford just before 19:00 BST. A man has been arrested...
FROM 31 January, 2018 onwards London’s buys hoppers schemes comes into effect, which means you will be able to hop on and off buses within one hour.
"PLEASE hold on, the bus is about to move" is the new announcement, which has started on London buses, left passengers stunned across the city.
GOOD NEWS for Londoners, for £1.50 passengers will be able to access unlimited bus travel for an hour.