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Tag: weather

Brits can look forward to the “warmest day of the year so far” tomorrow as a “warm southerly airflow” lifts temperatures on Good Friday in time for the Easter bank holiday. With temperatures reaching up to 22C in the southeast, Friday’s weather will beat March’s hot spell according to the Met Office. Richard...
The UK could see snowfall this week with temperatures set to drop dramatically in the coming days, forecasters have said. After enjoying warmer weather and experiencing the hottest day of the year so far in March, the country will become colder, cloudier from Monday. The daytime will see temperatures halve...
Londoners are bracing for another thunderstorm with the possibility of more flooding as a washout summer continues. The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for thunderstorms which applies to London and the south west until 11pm on Monday. “There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to...
Parts of London inundated for second time in less than a month Torrential showers and thunderstorms have caused flooding across parts of London, with two hospitals declaring major incidents as a result of the downpours. Both Newham and Whipps Cross Hospitals in the east of the city urged patients to seek...
The country has been basking in hotter-than-average temperatures since late last week. It has exceeded 30ºC in some parts, the Met Office released its first ever extreme heat warning, and Northern Ireland had its hottest ever day on Saturday. However, the weather is set to become a little more unsettled from tomorrow, before rain and...
Temperatures will continue to soar across the UK after a weekend which saw all four nations record the hottest day of the year. Sunseekers have been flocking to beaches to soak up the sun as a high of of 31.6C (88.9F) was recorded at Heathrow in London. Forecasters predict the...
Temperatures are set to soar up to 32C this weekend as people are urged to stay safe in the heat. Forecasters believe Sunday could be the hottest day of the year – and that this could be the warmest weekend so far. A health alert has been issued in England with high...
A health alert has been issued for parts of the UK with temperatures expected to reach around 31C (88F) on Tuesday. Forecasters said most of the country will enjoy a spell of warm weather, but the South East is expected to see the hottest conditions. Public Health England (PHE) has...
Large parts of the UK could be hit by thunderstorms this week, the Met Office has warned. A yellow warning has been issued covering much of the country from Monday to Thursday for thunderstorms that could be “significant and disruptive”. Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said: “For England and Wales...
A major incident has been declared in Bournemouth after thousands of people descended on the area’s beaches as temperatures soared. Council leaders say the numbers of people flooding the seaside in the last two days are “like those seen on a bank holiday”. People are being told to stay away,...
The hottest day of the year so far across the UK has been recorded after temperatures reached 31C at Heathrow Airport. In a statement, the Met Office said: “It is officially the warmest day of the year so far across the UK. “Temperatures have reached 31.0°C at Heathrow Airport and...
Britons have been warned that the coronavirus pandemic will claim more lives over the coming weeks if people give into temptation and head out to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. Clear skies and temperatures of upwards of 18C (64.4F) have been forecast for Sunday, which could make it all the more difficult...
Storm Dennis could be worse than Ciara, an expert has warned, as Britain braces for a “perfect storm” of heavy rain, strong winds and melting snow. The new named weather front is set to batter large swathes of Britain this weekend, with 70mph winds and up to 140mm (5.5inches) of rain in some...
Storm Ciara has now claimed its third victim after as the country braces itself for ‘Storm Dennis’ which is on a collision course with the UK on Saturday, but not before more snow and ice chaos is expected this week. Heavy snow fell in some regions after the bad weather...
BLACK Friday discounts and bad weather have been blamed for a decline in Boxing Day shoppers, with retail analysts reporting a fall in the number of people heading for the sales. Springboard, which analyses customer activity in stores, said footfall up until midday had seen the largest decline since 2010,...
A series of weather warnings have been issued with the UK set to be battered by heavy rain and thunderstorms over the coming days. The remnants of Hurricane Humberto began moving over the country on Saturday night, putting an end to days of sunshine and warm temperatures. The Met Office has issued warnings for...
The British summer is set to finally end with this weekend as temperatures soar to 25C tomorrow. Following a week of sunshine, the mercury could hit mid to high 20s on Saturday in eastern England, while the rest of the UK should reach at least high teens or low 20s....
It has been the hottest late August bank holiday weekend ever – with temperatures reaching 31.6C (88.9F) in west London. The Met Office confirmed the new record temperature, which was set at Heathrow. It narrowly beats the previous record of 31.5C (88.7F), set in 2001 and again at Heathrow. The...