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Tag: turkey

A former restaurant manager who was so drunk on a flight that he was sick all over himself has been jailed. Ali Ozdemir was too intoxicated to open his bag for his passport on the Jet2 flight from Turkey in October last year. Ozdemir had previously admitted being drunk on...
 Turkey has now responded to the peace talks it has been hosting between Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul today (29 March). The country’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the talks the first face-to-face meeting between the two sides in more than two weeks had seen the most significant progress since...
The Turkish resort town of Marmaris has been named among the top best value destinations for British holidaymakers, a survey by the Post Office has shown. With Turkish Lira helping Marmaris, on Turkey’s Aegean coast, edge past Sunny Beach in Bulgaria to take the top spot for the first time, the...
A disorderly passenger who tried to open a plane door mid-flight and allegedly slapped fellow flyers has been banned for life by Jet2. The airline has also fined Catherine Bush £5,000 for her tirade, during which she was filmed shouting in the faces of staff trying to calm her down....
The first round of talks between the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine has failed to yield progress on a ceasefire, Ukraine says. Speaking after the meeting in Turkey, Dmytro Kuleba said that the demands his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov had made amounted to a surrender. Mr Lavrov meanwhile said...
YOUNG people living abroad will be able to join together at a Spring Camp organised by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) in Istanbul and Çanakkale in Turkey. The “YTB Youth Camps” program will see camps organised throughout 2022 for the spring, summer and winter terms. The...
We asked the Department of Transport (DFT) why Turkey is still on the red list, as anger grows over the decision.  India, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates were all moved from the red list to the amber list, opening them up to vaccinated visitors in the last travel...
Coastal areas are among the worst-affected, with fires blazing for a fifth day in some of Turkey’s Mediterranean resort towns. Residents and tourists were rescued by small boats during the weekend, as the coastguard and navy ships waited further out to sea in case a larger-scale evacuation was needed. There...
Travellers returning from red list destinations could be facing paying an extra £500 to pay for their quarantine hotel stay. Under plans reportedly being considered, the price could increase to more than £2,250 in a bid to stop people from making ‘unnecessary trips’ to high-risk countries. Ministers are said to...
The Republic of Northern  Cyprus’s (TRNC)President Ersin Tatar has said today (July 20) that the Greek Cypriot side will never work towards a lasting and just solution to the Cyprus Problem as long as the imbalance between the two sides is not addressed. In his speech at the Dr Fazıl...
Airlines and tour operators have grounded holiday flights to Turkey after the country was marooned on the UK Government travel red list for another three weeks. UK airlines such as Jet2 suspended all flights and breaks to Turkish resorts until August 11 when transport secretary Grant Shapps kept the country...
Turkey has lifted the suspension of direct flights from the UK into Turkey. It was announced that no vaccination certificates will be required for international travellers entering the country. For the time being, only a negative PCR test result will need to be presented. To further reassure visitors to Turkey,...
AZERBAIJANI Turks living in the UK visited Turkey’s Ambassador to London Umit Yalcin, thanking the support given to them. The visit, limited to 6 people as per Covid-19 rules, met with Ambassador Yalçın. Sahin Valisoy chairman of Turkish Azerbaijan in the UK emphasizing that importance of Turkey’s support saying: “Turkey’s...
In a live televised ceremony from the Presidential Complex in Ankara, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and The Republic of North Cyprus’s Prime Minster Ersin Tatar announced today (6 October) that this Thursday (8 October) Maraş(Varosha) will be opened. The officials met in the Turkish capital for the inauguration ceremony...
LONDON’S new Consul General of Turkey Bekir Utku Atahan has begun his new role. Atahan said he is proud of the strong presence of the Turkish community in the UK and the consul general will be increasing activities across every field. Stating that he was honoured to undertake such an...
BRITAIN’S Afşin-Elbistan Environment Platform called for the shutdown of thermal power plants in Elbistan, Turkey. Members of the platform made a press release in the British Alevi Federation on Sunday 13 September, saying: “As Afşin and Elbistan people living in Britain, we protect our country, which we have been insensitive...
Last night the first  COVID-19 patients from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) were transferred to health services in Turkey. In a statement by TRNC Prime Minister Ersin Tatar he said: “In this context, Turkey, as of the midnight begins to transfer the COVID-19 patients here to health services in...
Turkey issued a new navigational telex (Navtex) saying that it will carry out live-fire gunnery exercises in the Eastern Mediterranean on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 1-2. The Antalya Navtex Station made the statement Thursday, according to the Turkish Naval Forces Office for Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography (OHNO). “Turkey’s recent Navtex alert on...