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Tag: travel

Travellers will no longer need to complete the ‘Cyprus Flight Pass’when entering the South of Cyprus from April 18. Restrictions will only apply to unvaccinated travellers who will be required to provide proof of a negative 24-hour rapid test or 72-hour PCR test before their departure. Country categorisations will also...
A disorderly passenger who tried to open a plane door mid-flight and allegedly slapped fellow flyers has been banned for life by Jet2. The airline has also fined Catherine Bush £5,000 for her tirade, during which she was filmed shouting in the faces of staff trying to calm her down....
NON-STOP trains from London to Gatwick Airport running seven days a week are scheduled to resume next month after more than two years. Gatwick Express was suspended in March 2020 as passengers numbers dipped due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The service resumed on weekdays in December, but was axed two...
The number of people flying to and from Heathrow airport has remained down by nearly 50% on pre-pandemic levels. Figures released by the west London airport show it was used by 2.9 million passengers last month. In February 2020, just before the pandemic caused people to stay at home, it...
PCR tests for travel have become “a predictable Covid rip-off”, says the ex-chair of the Competition and Markets Authority, Lord Tyrie. Lord Andrew Tyrie said the competition regulator had been “too slow to react” to complaints about testing providers. Holidaymakers have objected to high prices and poor service from many...
We asked the Department of Transport (DFT) why Turkey is still on the red list, as anger grows over the decision.  India, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates were all moved from the red list to the amber list, opening them up to vaccinated visitors in the last travel...
Fully vaccinated travellers from the US and EU can now arrive in the UK without having to isolate. The new rules came into effect at 4am on Monday but they have not yet been met by a reciprocal easing of restrictions for travellers from the UK. The new rule applies...
Tube driver strikes are expected to go ahead as planned from Tuesday as the union enters “last-ditch” talks with Transport for London (TfL). TfL are advising commuters to complete journeys by 1pm on Tuesday if the talks fail and industrial action goes ahead. They say the strikes will likely affect the...
Young adults were on Friday warned that they will be grounded in Britain if they do not get the Covid-19 jab. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps stressed that people who do not get inoculated will be unable to fly to most, if not all, countries. He highlighted Britain’s world-leading vaccine roll-out, which has so far...
Airlines and tour operators have grounded holiday flights to Turkey after the country was marooned on the UK Government travel red list for another three weeks. UK airlines such as Jet2 suspended all flights and breaks to Turkish resorts until August 11 when transport secretary Grant Shapps kept the country...
Children across London will be able to contour travelling on buses for free until next spring travel. Plans to cuts free travel for children in  children will not be cut until next spring, the head of Transport for London (TfL) has revealed. The zip card scheme was due to be...
Seven Greek islands have been added to England’s quarantine list – affecting travellers returning from Lesvos, Tinos, Serifos, Mykonos, Crete, Santorini and Zakynthos. It comes as Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced the rules are changing on which areas anyone coming back from must isolate for two weeks. Instead of a...
A Ryanair passengers eager to enjoy their summer break in Pisa, central Italy, were forced to postpone their plans after a fellow passenger had to be dragged off the flight form ignoring coronavirus quarantine rules. Footage shared online by the wannabe holidaymakers showed three men in hazmat suits boarding the flight and questioning...
easyJet has confirmed it will be closing three of its UK bases. The affected airports include Stansted, Southend and Newcastle. From September 1, the airline will pull out of London’s Stansted airport. Coupled with closures at Newcastle and Southend, it is anticipated that the move will put 670 jobs at risk....
Travel firm Tui has seen a sharp jump in bookings for 2021 as customers make early plans for next year. The UK’s largest tour operator said bookings for next summer were up by a “very promising” 145%. News of a bounce-back came as Tui posted a €1.1bn (£995m) loss for...
  The government “will not hesitate to take action” and add more countries to its quarantine list, chancellor Rishi Sunak has said, when asked about speculation that France could follow Belgium, Andorra and the Bahamas onto the list requiring travellers to stay at home for 14 days. Speaking after the decision was taken to add two...
The government has announced travel corridors for five more countries, meaning they will be exempt from the coronavirus quarantine. From Tuesday, people returning to England from Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia and St Vincent and the Grenadines will no longer need to self-isolate for 14 days. More than 70 countries and...
THE Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Healthy Ministry announced its decisions regarding the entry-exit to TRNC. According to the statement released by the ministry, the United Kingdom is in Category C, which is the highest risk group.  Passengers in Category C must comply with the following conditions to enter TRNC:...