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Tag: theatre

Osman Balıkçıoğlu is celebrating his 60th year of arts with a new theatre production and a reception. Balıkçıoğlu, a theatre actor and playwright known by the Turkish community living in the UK, is preparing to celebrate his 60th anniversary in the art community this year. Bringing the Balıkçıoğlu cabaret back...
The theatre play presented by the Balıkçıoğlu cabaret ‘Öp Bubanın Elini’ (Kiss your father’s hand) had is audience laughing over two days of performance that took place at the Millfield theatre Hall in Enfield, London on the 10 & 11 May. The comedy story told in of an old father’s...
THE British Alevi Federation has organised a exhibition of paintings curated by Hasan Bölücek at Millfied Theatre to coincide with the London Emek Theatre production of Akşama Çaya Gelecekler (Afternoon Tea). The exhibition runs on the Millfied bar and kitchen from Tuesday, 30 October to Friday, 9 Novermber. The artists...
TURKISH Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu received an award from the Kyrenia Municipality Cyprus Cartoonists Association at the Olive festival in Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu which lives in London will be given the Golden Olive award at the Olive festival which is...
TURKISH Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu will receive an award from the Kyrenia Municipality Cyprus Cartoonists Association at the Olive festival in Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot writer and theatre artist Osman Balıkçıoğlu who lives in London will be given the Golden Olive award at the Olive festival which...
THE theatre shower “Blurred Lines”, produced, directed and animated by Turkish speaking women performed for three days at Etcetera Theatre venue on 14, 15 and 16 June. The theatre play, “Blurred Lines” explored the identities of women after being affected by the facets of sexualization and abuse. Raw expression was...
LONDON is considered to be one of the most important theatre centres in the world, has hosted the second Turkish Theatre Festival. The first Turkish Theatre Festival was organised with the initiative of Saray Karakuş and Ümit Baysal last year and this year again there was great interest in the...
THE second of the London Turkish Theatre Festival will begin next. The festival is expect to show case a number of beautiful shows and art workshops were the art lovers will be able to meet together. The London Turkish Theatre Festival will take place at the Millfield Art Centre in...
“SOMETIMES you can fool everyone, you can always fool some people, but you can’t fool everyone all the time.” The Day-Mer London Square Stage opens its curtains on 4 and 5 of April. The “Someone from the public” theatre play is directed by Rahime Simpson and written by Sam Bobrick....
THE drama team directed by Zalihe Susuzlu and the comedy theatre show ‘parcel parcel’ written by Aygün Kencer and Zalihe Susuzlu had amused the theatre lovers in London.
THE DRAMA team directed by Zalihe Susuzlu and Aygun Kencer also, the comedy theatre show “parce parcel” written by Zalihe Susuzlu is preparing to meet theatre fans in London on Friday 23 February and Saturday 24 February.
WRITER and theatre actor Osman Balıkçıoğlu's latest book 'Mamıt ve Suç Ortakları' was introduced in a book signing at the Grand Palace in London, the actor is adored by the Turkish speaking communities in both London and Cyprus.
ORGANISED by AMC Productions and the UK Women’s Platform (IKP), the ‘Art’ event took place along with special guest chatty theatre actress Sumru Yavrucuk.
Güney Amerikalı oyun ve roman yazarı Ariel Dorfman’ın başyapıtı Ölüm ve Kız (Death and the Maiden), geçtiğimiz Pazar akşamı Londra’da Arcola Tiyatrosu’nda Türkçe olarak izleyicilerle buluştu.