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Tag: rise

EMPLOYEES, businesses and the self-employed will pay an extra 1.25p in the pound. The government says it will spend it on health and social care. Opposition MPs said it exacerbated cost of living pressures, but mitigation will be introduced in July. Experts are urging people to check their status as...
UK’s best-paid boss, co-founder of online gambling firm Bet365 Denise Coates, has received another bumper pay rise. The firm’s accounts show compensation, for the firm’s “highest paid director” rising to £265m including dividends. That was £48m higher than the total she received last year as the popularity of online gambling continues...
SHARES in Asos have surged 14% after another set of strong results from the fast fashion retailer. The firm posted a £500m rise in revenue to £2.4bn for the year to 31 August, while profit jumped 28% to £102m, just ahead of expectations. Shares in the fast-growing online retailer had...
THE plastic bag fee in England could rise to 10p – with all shops having to charge, regardless of how big they are. Since October 2015, customers have had to pay at least 5p for each single-use bag – with all retailers employing more than 250 people made to take...
Home to 8 million trees and hundreds of high-rise towers, London is adding 40,000 trees to its skyline in a bid to turn the sprawling British metropolis into a “national park city”. Campaigners for clean air welcomed the initiative, saying London lagged mainland Europe when it came to tree cover,...
GCSE pass rates in England have risen this year – despite an overhaul to make the exams more demanding. The proportion of students reaching the pass levels – England’s new grade 4 and grade C in Wales and Northern Ireland – is up by 0.5% to 66.9%. For the first...
RAIL passengers will see the price of regulated rail fares increase by a maximum of 3.2% in January 2019. The rise, determined by the RPI inflation measure, could add more than £100 to annual season ticket prices. Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has called for future rail fare and wage increases to be...
The number of antidepressants prescribed to children in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland has risen over the past three years, figures obtained by BBC’s File on 4 reveal. In England, there was a 15% rise. Scotland saw a 10% increase. And in Northern Ireland the number rose by 6%. In...
Moody’s ratings expects problem loans at Turkish banks to increase to more than 4 percent of loans over the next 12-18 months compared with a low of 2.9 percent in May, the ratings agency said in a statement on July 16. Moody’s said a spike in the problem loans was credit negative...
OVER one million NHS staff will be offered a pay rise of at least 6.5% over three years with some getting almost 29%. It’s been noted that this pay rise is inclusive of nurses, porters and paramedics. This pay rise deal has been formally consented by union leaders and ministers...
McDonald’s UK has declared to hand its workers the biggest pay increase on ten years.
THE UK’s pay squeeze will continue next year, again as relevant increase in wages look to be out of sight.
THE ENFIELD Council will be installing 54 high rise tower blocks with sprinklers and work set to start in the New Year.
Turkey’s exports from this January to November reached $142.7 billion, marking a 10.7 percent rise from the same period last year, mainly due to an ongoing surge in automotive exports, the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TİM) stated on Dec. 1.
Property sales to foreigners in Turkey continued to rise in August, as a total of 1,684 houses were sold to foreign nationals with an 11.4 percent year-on-year increase, official data showed on Sept. 25.
The number of homeless families in the UK has risen by more than 60% and is "likely to have been driven" by the government's welfare reforms, the public spending watchdog has said.
Food and household goods were the only sectors to see volume sales go up.