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Tag: President

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said a locally developed vaccine for Covid-19 has been given regulatory approval after less than two months of testing on humans. Mr Putin said the vaccine had passed all the required checks, adding that his daughter had already been given it. Officials have said they...
THE British Kahramanmaraş Education and Culture Association has announced to be officially established. Along with the initiative of the Kahramanmaraş Mayor Fatih Mehmet, the Kahramanmaraş Education and Culture Association has been established. As a result of the consultation, Ali Kilinc was appointed as the president of the association, Ozkan Guven...
MAYOR of Enfield Saray Karakuş was invited on Monday, to the Southgate Rotary Club meeting. Enver Kannur, President of Southgate Rotary Club, congratulated Karakuş on her appointment to an important position as the Mayor of Enfield. The meeting was held on Monday, 5 Novermber at the Jolly Famer venue if...
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has visited London to make official talks just before the early elections in Turkey which will be held on 24 June. During his three day visit, Erdoğan held meetings with foreign investors, spoke at various forums and gave an interview to foreign media organisations....
THE election of the 3rd Executive Board of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) UK took place in the London at the Epic event hall in Dalston on Sunday, April 15, 2018. CHP Deputy Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Responsible for Law and Elections Bülent Tezcan, Head of the British...
TURKISH Forum UK (TFUK) elected its new president at its 12th annual general meeting. On Sunday, February 11, at the annual general assembly meeting held at Crazy Salad Bar, Russell Square, London Sinan Öğün was elected as the 5th Turkish Forum UK (TFUK). President Öğün was elected by winning the...
Uygun kampanyalar ve fiyatların olduğu 2017 özellikle müşterilerimiz için de harika bir yıl oldu diyebilirim.
IN THE 16th Ordinary Congress of the British Limasollular Association, one of the most active and popular associations of LONDON, the President and the New Management body were identified.
TURGUT Esendağlı, the former President of the Turkish Society Football Federation and Councillor for Enfield Council, took his final journey.
Coming from Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic, the People’s Party President Kudret Özersay and party representatives paid visit to the community in London.
Northern Cyprus President Mustafa Akıncı released a press statement on the 20 July Peace and Freedom Holiday.