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Tag: PM

Boris Johnson has defended his plan to send migrants arriving illegally in the UK thousands of miles away to Rwanda as “the morally right thing to do”. The policy is part of the prime minister’s plan to tackle the problem of dangerous Channel crossings by migrants in small boats –...
The Government’s “back to work for some” message was in confusion today as commuters packed on to the London Underground, while Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab belatedly declared they were supposed to have stayed off until Wednesday. Levels of traffic on the roads and numbers of passengers on public transport appeared...
The UK could “get going” with easing some lockdown measures from Monday, Boris Johnson has signalled. The prime minister suggested a “phase two” plan for tackling coronavirus now infection numbers have peaked might come into force the day after he gives an update on the lockdown on Sunday. “We’ll want if we...
Boris Johnson has been discharged from hospital but won’t immediately return to work as he continues to recover from coronavirus, Downing Street has said. The prime minister will recuperate at Chequers, his official country retreat in Buckinghamshire, after spending almost a week at St Thomas’ Hospital in central London. Mr...
Another 181 people have died after testing positive for coronavirus in the UK, taking the total to 769. The new figures were recorded from between 5pm on Wednesday and 5pm on Thursday. The patients who died in England were aged between 29 and 98, and all but four – who...
London ‘a few weeks ahead’ of other places London is a few weeks ahead in terms of the virus curve than other places – meaning transmission is happening more rapidly, the PM says. For this reason, he says, those in the capital need to be especially cautious. The government, he...
The government is to hold daily televised press conferences to update the public on the fight against coronavirus, Downing Street has said. From Monday, Boris Johnson or a senior minister will address the media to ensure people are informed about how to protect themselves. It follows criticism of No 10...
Commons Speaker John Bercow tells MPs the technical term for the status of the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill was “in limbo”. This come after MPs voted against tabling a time time table for Boris Johnson Brexit bill. MPs voted by a majority of 30 to approve the Withdrawal Agreement Bill...
The Crown Prosecution Service will receive an extra £85m over the next two years, to help deal with a rise in violent crime in England and Wales. It comes as Boris Johnson launches a review of the sentencing of some dangerous and prolific offenders. He said dangerous criminals must be...
Philip Hammond said that he intends to resign as chancellor if Boris Johnson becomes the UK’s next PM. He said a no-deal Brexit, something Mr Johnson has left open as an option, was “not something I could ever sign up to”. Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr Hammond...
MPs have voted in favour of a measure that could block efforts by the next prime minister to force through a no-deal Brexit by suspending Parliament. A majority of 41 approved an amendment that blocks suspension between 9 October and 18 December unless a Northern Ireland executive is formed. MPs...
Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister. In a statement at Downing Street this morning Mrs May said she had “done my best” to honour the 2016 EU referendum result. It would...
With the original Brexit 29 March 2019 being delayed, by just 2 weeks it looks like the government is no closer to getting a withdraw agreement plan completed and agreed by parliament and then the EU in time. Yesterday(25 March) MPs voted in favour of Conservative backbencher Sir Oliver Letwin’s cross-party amendment,...
  PRIME Minister has decided to scrap the £65 fee millions of EU citizens were going to have to pay to secure the right to continue living in the UK after Brexit. Theresa May also vowed to seek changes to the Irish backstop from the EU. However she again declined...