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Tag: peace

A group of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot democrats and peace activists based in London came together to support the bi-communal peace demonstrations across Cyprus on Saturday, March 26. The meeting in London was held simultaneously with 108 Cypriot organizations actively participating in the two marches on both the South...
  Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination came from right-wing Norwegian politician Christian Tybring-Gjedde and relates to the ‘historic peace agreement’ between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. ‘Thank you!’ the US president tweeted after the news became public. He also retweeted a rightwing...
A group of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots held a commemoration event on the Saturday 30 November visited the grave of a number of people that fought for pec, marking 22 years since Ahmet Sadi’s passing. The group said: “The purpose of the visit was to commemorate with a few...
ON Tuesday 17th of December, at 7.30 pm a concert for peace in Cyprus will be given at ‘The Theatre, The Cypriot Community Centre, Earlham Grove, London N22 5HJ. The performers are Melodi Var Öngel, Mehmet Raif and Andrew Hubbard or ‘Andreas’. ‘Songs Across Boundaries’ by Melodi Var Öngel. Melodi...
THE Turkish Cypriot Youth Association (KTGBI) members meet with the Democratic Party Youth Organization Representative Erden Pekri and National Unity Party Girne Youth Branch President met with Yağmur Aydındağ. During the meeting, social projects and cultural activities were exchanged. The importance of unity and solidarity among young people living in...
THE anniversary of the 20 July Cyprus Peace operation was celebrated on its 44th anniversary with a reception held on Friday evening, at Hyatt Churchill event hall. The event was hosted by Zehra Başaran, the London Representative of the TRNC. The TRNC Deputy Prime minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay...
TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran has shared a press message in regards to 20th July Peace and Freedom Day. In the press release, Başaran underlines the expectation of the United Kingdom providing a hand to get rid of embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriot community. TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran...
GREEK Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities living in the UK came together on 1 June Friday, at the Cypriot Community Centre to portray unity at the week of friendship and peace. The Union of Cypriots in the UK (EKA) together with the Turkish Cypriot Organisations, Cypriot Artists Platform UK and...
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities living in the UK are preparing to meet on the week of friendship and peace. The Union of Cypriots in the UK (EKA) together with the Turkish Cypriot Organisations, Cypriot Artists Platform UK and Turkish Cypriot Association for Democracy has organised a  joint event...
JOAN Ryan MP has called for the Kurdish community to be included the negotiation process to end Syria's civil war and future conflicts.
Northern Cyprus President Mustafa Akıncı released a press statement on the 20 July Peace and Freedom Holiday.