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Tag: haringey

METROPOLITAN Polis Servisi’nden yapılan açıklamaya göre, Haringey ve Enfield polislerinin gelecek yıldan itibaren birleşecek. Ayrıca yapılan açıklamada, Londra genelinde polis servislerinde önemli değişiklikler de yapılacağı duyuruldu. Yapılan açıklamada, Temel Komuta Birimler (BCU) isminde bir servisin kurulacağı bildirildi. BCU büyük bir polis komuta birimi olacak ve Metropolitan Polisi’nin mevcut 32 bölgesel...
SÜLEYMAN Yalçın was run over by a Met Police van on a 999 call in December. Yalçın was killed by the police van in Haringey, North London. The Yalçın family has announced that they have lost trust in the police complaints regulator. IOPC stated it had pursued a thorough, independent...
Under a new plan what will be proposed to the council, many of the poorest household in the borough could be exempt from paying council tax. The current system which was introduced in 2013, means claimants are entitled to an 80% reduction if they are of working age and with...
HARINGEY council has initiated its own company to construct homes for over 9,000 families on its housing waiting list. The council cabinet approved to initiate a completely owned company (Woc) to contribute housing which was a vital assurance in the Labour group’s election manifesto during the cabinet meeting last week....
There has been a great increase in the number of penalties for people driving in bus lanes, numbers has increased by 31 percent in Haringey. Recent research made by Click4Reg demonstrated that in 2016 Haringey council published almost 18,000 penalty charge notices for unauthorised vehicles driving in bus lanes. Amongst...
THE council has announced that the decision to dismiss a disputed regeneration project could result in a deficiency in the provision of new homes. The borough’s Labour group declared to scrap the £2 billion Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV), a contentious partnership with developer Lendlease during the elections in May. Councillors...
For the past 15 years the population growth has dropped to its lowest level across the UK. The figures show that the biggest impact has been to the capital, with a decrease in immigration. The Office for National Statistics said that an extra 392,000 people have been added to the...
İNGİLTERE’DE yapılan nüfus sayımında İngiltere’de son 15 yılın en düşük nüfus oranına gerilediği bildirildi. Bu düşüşten ise en çok etkilenen şehir ise başkent Londra oldu. Ulusal İstatistik Bürosu, İngiltere nüfusunun 2017 yılı ortasına kadar ülkede yaşayan toplam sayı olan 66 milyonun üzerine 392.000 fazladan ilave edildiğini bildirdi. Ancak bu oran...
THE two buildings of flats on a Tottenham estate could be pulled down because of worried that there is a possible it could collapse. As a result of questionnaires being carried out due to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, it has been enclosed that the Tangmere and Northolt blocks on the...
The Mayor of London has commented about the stabbing which occurred on Saturday, 9 June in Haringey which is noted as the capitals 74th murder investigation this year. A man in his 30s was stabbed on Green Lanes, near Turnpike Lane Station. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: “I am...
JOSEPH Ejiofor has been elected to be the new leader of Haringey Council prior to being elected leader of the local Labour group. Joseph has replaced Claire Kober who resigned due to a tension over a conflicting project known as the Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV). Claire’s administration had conflicted with...
A group of Haringey residents are set to meet with councillors this week to request for action in relation to housing, refugees and the living wage. Haringey residents and Citizens UK which is community organising charity has organised an election assembly to enable citizens to merge together and make an...
IN the voter packs which were delivered on Saturday, Haringey Council said to electorates they should only vote for one candidate, rather than three. In reference to the council, almost 900 voters on Saturday received voter’s packs along with information which stated: “Vote for only one candidate, by putting a...
LONDRA’NIN Chingford ve Haringey bölgelerinde faaliyet gösteren Gökyüzü Restaurant, verdiği hizmet ve sunumlarıyla misafirlerinden tam not alıyor.
HARINGEY Council's leader has condemned sections of the Labour Party of “sexism” and bullying amongst her settlement to resign from her role.
HARINGEY Belediyesi İşçi Partili Lideri Claire Kober, Mayıs ayında yapılacak yerel seçimlerle istifa edeceğini açıkladı. Kober yönetimindeki Haringey Belediyesinin eski ve bakımsız belediye evlerinin yıkılarak yerine hem iş yeri hem de yeni yaşam alanlarının yapılmasını öngören projesi istifayı getiren en büyük etken oldu. İşçi Partisi Lideri Jeremy Corbyn’in dahi karşı...
LABOUR’S ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) has agreed to ask Haringey Council to rethink its controversial public-private housing plan.
DR CAHIT Berk is well known by Londoners around Haringey and has been treating his patients for many years in his medical office.