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Tag: football

ARSENAL midfielder Mesut Ozil has offered to pay the salary of Jerry Quy, the man who plays the role of club mascot Gunnersaurus. On Monday it was revealed that Quy, who has been part of the matchday experience at Arsenal for 27 years, was one of 55 redundancies. “I was so...
SELIN Cemal, originally Turkish Cyprus, born and raised in the UK, is a candidate to mark the future of England women’s football. Selin Cemal, now a 13-year-old young and talented footballer, plays for Chelsea U14’s, known as one of the most successful clubs in the World and the UK. The...
THE Turkish Community Football Federation (TTFF) has started a food support campaign for people who have difficult times from the coronavirus outlook. TTFF will be working hand in hand with the British Alevi Federation (BAF) who has set up a food support campaign. All club presidents and athletes have pledged...
THE Turkish community football federation (TTFF) will be holding a swabbing event which aims to collect stem cell donations that could help people suffering from various types of cancer with a number of different cancers. The everyone will take place at New River Sports Centre, White Hart Lane, Wood Green,...
Seven men have been arrested after a large fight, which is thought to have involved football fans, broke out on a Tube train in central London. The brawl took place while the train was at Great Portland Street Station at 2pm on Sunday. The men were all held on suspicion...
The average room price in Istanbul hotels has doubled ahead of the Super Cup game between football squads of Liverpool and Chelsea on Aug. 14. UEFA Champions League winners Liverpool will take on UEFA Europa League winners Chelsea in the first all-English UEFA Super Cup, which will take place at Istanbul’s Beşiktaş Park stadium on the European side of the Bosphorus on...
Hundreds of people participated in the football tournament organised in the memory of the late Necdet Topçu, who gave his life to Turkish football. Organised by London Newspaper and London Turkish Masters, the tournament was sponsored by the Balıkçıoğlu Cabaret Theater, taking place on Sunday, June 16 at the Waltham...
LONDON’s Turkish Society Football Federation (TTFF) U15 youth member returned from North Cyprus, where they visited and took part in a tournament with North Cyprus’s Youth Teams. Together with TTFF officials, U15 Youth team travelled to North Cyprus, where they went to took part in the tournament with the Cyprus...
WHITE Hart Lane railway station could be renamed Tottenham Hotspur as part of the regeneration project around the club’s new stadium, reports claim. Transport for London (TfL) said it was “in discussions” with the club over the station rebrand which could cost the club more than £14.7m. The move mirrors...
Real Madrid‘in Hırvat yıldızı Luka Modric, France Football dergisi tarafından organize edilen Ballon d’Or ödüllerinde en iyi erkek futbolcu ödülüne layık görüldü. Modric aynı zamanda bu ödülü kazanarak, on yıldan uzun süredir devam eden Leonel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo ambargosunu da sonlandırdı. Bu ikiliden farklı olarak ödül en son 2007 yılında, Brezilyalı yıldız Kaka‘ya verilmişti. 33...
Almanların dünyaca ünlü dergisi Der Spiegel, Football Leaks belgelerine dayandırarak yayımladığı haberlerde dudak uçuklatan yolsuzluk iddialarına yer verdi. Belgelerde FIFA Başkanı Giaani Infantino ile birlikte Bayern Münih, Manchester City ve Paris Saint Germain kulüplerine yönelik şok suçlamalar bulunuyor Almanların dünyaca ünlü dergisi Der Spiegel, Football Leaks belgelerine dayandırarak yayımladığı haberlerde...
  Londra’da gençlerimize alt yapı eğitimi veren Göztepe UK Football Academy, yetenekli isimleri Türk futboluna kazandırmak için kolları sıvadı. Bu paralelde ilk olarak üç genç yetenek, Türkiye Süper Ligi takımlarından İzmir temsilcisi Göztepe’de antrenmanlara çıkmaya başladı. Göztepe UK Football Academy direktörü Hüseyin Yöney ile yine direktör ve antrenör Bora Aksel’le...
  Türk Toplumu Futbol Federasyonu (TTFF) çatısı altında son yıllarda eski hüviyetinden uzaklaşan Türk Gençler Ligi’nin yeniden güçlü bir yapılanma ile kurulması kesinleşti. TTFF Başkanı Serdar Sarı ve Asbaşkan Osman Ercen’in Olağan Genel Kurul’da da vurguladığı gibi Türk Gençler Ligi’nin kurulması yolunda verdikleri vaatlere paralel olarak çalışmalar hız kazandı. TTFF’nin...
Spor Toto Süper Lig'e 14 yıl aradan sonra dönerek sezonun ilk yarısındaki performansıyla ses getiren Göztepe, dünyaca ünlü futbol bloğu These Football Times'a konu oldu.