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Tag: first

Feryal Demirci-Clark, a councillor from Hackney and the Deputy Mayor of the borough has now been elected as Enfield North’s newest Member of Parliament. Winner the vote with 23,340, Clark has become the first female Turkish-Speaking MP. In 1983 Richard Hickmet was elected as a Conservative party MP for one...
A 37-year-old mother has been jailed after becoming the first person in the UK to be convicted of female genital mutilation (FGM). The Ugandan woman mutilated her three-year-old daughter at their family home in east London in 2017. She was jailed for 11 years for the FGM and a further...
THE ENFIELD Alevi Cultural Centre held their first general assembly on Saturday, 24 November. The board of directors are as follows: Chairwomen – Zeynep Demir, Vice President – Miray Kaplan, Vice President – Hasan Gül, Secretary – Gülbahar Aslan, Assistant Secretary – Meral Ateş, Treasurer – Free Green, Accountant –...
MEMBERS of the Kahramanmaraş Association, made their visit to Turkey’s Consulate General in London and introduced themselves to Çınar Ergin. Kahramanmaraş President Ali Kılınç, stated that have rented the building opposite the Aziziye Mosque thus, underlined that the association has actively started operate. Kılınç asserted that his aim was to...
BIG Ben’s world known bongs were silenced for a short period of time since August, due to safety of workers which were inclusive of a four year restoration scheme. The bongs are only be reactivated for exception situations until the work scheme is completed. Big Ben rang once again around...
THE Duke and Duchess of Sussex have arrived for their first official visit to the county that features in their royal titles. The couple, who married in May, are on a whistle-stop tour of Sussex, visiting some of its most well-known sites. On their first stop in Chichester, crowds welcomed...
THE riveting true story of the 13 year battle for the village of Kokkina in Northern Cyprus has been written in English by Nejla Clements. “The Battle of Kokkina” has been noted as the first book in English to detail this story. Written by someone who not only lived through...
Masjid Ramadan (Ramadan Mosque), the first mosque to receive donations with crypto money in England, has exceeded its domnation target of £10,000 during Ramadan. Britain’s first Turkish mosque to enter service in 1977 announced that it will accept donations of zekat and fitre in Ramadan this year with Bitcoin and...
21 year old Merve Nur Ucar has just successful completed her Law degree with a 1st from University of Central Lancashire. The 21 year old student living in Manchester, England traveled for hours every week to and from her home and university daily. Even with the struggle of daily commute...
POLITICIANS initially separated from the Nationalist Movement Party has established the Good Party and began to organise in England. Good Party supporters, who held their first meeting in London, held another meeting in Germany. Almost 20 people came together in the London meeting on 13 May Sunday for breakfast. The...
  İngiltere merkezli FIRST, 2017 Yılın Sorumlu Lideri Ödülü’nü Sabancı Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Güler Sabancı’ya verdi. Sabancı, 17 yıldır gerçekleştirilen ödül programında ‘Yılın Sorumlu Lideri’ unvanını alan ilk Türk oldu. Dünya genelinde ülke, endüstri ve finans liderleri arasında ilişki geliştirmeyi hedefleyen İngilteremerkezli FIRST tarafından düzenlenen ‘Yılın Sorumlu Lideri Ödülü’ 2017 yılı için,...
STREATHAM Common in South London will be the first place in the UK to trial Sainsbury’s new electric grocery delivery bikes. The pilot will see 5 new zero emission bikes deliver up to 100 orders per day. Local customers who shop online with the retailer will be eligible for this...
İngiltere'de İslam karşıtı aşırı sağcı "Britain First" adlı grubun lideri Paul Golding ile yardımcısı Jayda Fransen, nefret suçundan hapis cezası aldı.
THE 14th European Turkish Folk Dance Competition, which took place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, organised under the auspices of the Consulate General of Rotterdam and the contributions of the Turkish Folk Dance Foundation.
Sterling has extended its rally against the dollar to rise above $1.40 for the first time since the Brexit vote.
İngiltere'de İslam karşıtı aşırı sağcı "Britain First" adlı grubun Twitter sayfası ve grubun lideri Paul Golding ile yardımcısı Jayda Fransen'in Twitter hesapları, nefret söylemi sebebiyle askıya alındı.
ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın geçen ay Twitter'dan paylaştığı İslamofobik videolarla gündeme gelen aşırı sağcı Britain First (Önce Britanya) lideri Paul Golding Belfast'ta gözaltına alındı.
Aşırı sağcı Britain First (Önce Britanya) Başkan Yardımcısı Jayda Fransen, İslamofobik videolarını paylaşan ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'tan yardım talep etti.