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Tag: deal

Talks between the UK and EU have resumed, as the two sides make a final bid to reach a post-Brexit trade deal. Disputes over fishing and business rules are continuing, but the UK government said an agreement was “still possible” with time in “short supply”. The EU mood was described...
EU and UK officials have resumed trade talks in London at the start of another key week for the negotiations. They are trying to bridge what the two sides have said are still significant differences on fishing quotas and competition issues. Boris Johnson said on Sunday that the “outlines” of...
BREXIT trade negotiations cannot be finished in the timeframe claimed by Boris Johnson, the EU’s chief negotiator has privately admitted – blowing a hole in the prime minister’s big election promise to “get Brexit done”. In a leaked recording obtained by The Independent, Michel Barnier tells a private meeting that the UK’s 11-month timetable to...
The Commons Speaker has refused a government request to hold a “yes” or “no” vote on its Brexit deal. John Bercow said a motion on the deal had been brought before MPs on Saturday, and it would be “repetitive and disorderly” to debate it again. Saturday’s sitting saw MPs vote...
Unless the UK’s withdrawal agreement with Brussels is reopened and the backstop abolished there is no prospect of a deal, No 10 has said. The strong statement came after the EU pushed back against Boris Johnson’s proposal to implement “alternative arrangements” for the UK-Irish border. Mr Johnson has said the...
FIVE people racked up 8,655 calls to the Metropolitan Police in 2017 – costing £70,000 to answer. A watchdog for police forces in England and Wales released the figure to show how police have become the “default” service to deal with mental health. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire...
PROTESTERS seeking a referendum on the final Brexit deal have attended a rally which organisers say was the “biggest” demonstration of its kind. Young voters led the People’s Vote march to London’s Parliament Square, which supporters say attracted around 670,000 protesters today (October 20). Tweeting:  “670,000 are on the #PeoplesVoteMarch...
The government shared a 28 page document for the public and businesses on how to prepare for a no-deal Brexit if in the case of an “unlikely” case of no deal. Here are some of the main issues the UK could be facing if a no deal is reached highlighted...
MAYOR of London, Sadiq Khan is set to formulate the body tasked with planning for terrorism attacks and disasters which have been recently occurring in London, such as the Grenfell Tower fire. Hence Khan has emphasized to start making preparations for a no-deal Brexit, to assess whether London could face potential...
AN agreement with the EU can be reached by October but the UK is preparing for the possibility of no deal, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has stated. He said he would return to Brussels for talks on Thursday and strain “every sinew” to get “the best deal”. However, the government...
POUNDWORLD has announced it will close a further 40 stores, resulting 531 more job losses.The discount goods retailer, which went into administration in June, said the stores would close on 24 July. Poundworld had already announced plans to close 105 of its 335 stores, having failed to strike a rescue...
Turkey’s metal industry employers and trade unions have finally agreed on a pay rise and social aid package following months of collective bargaining and a banned strike.
The UK economy will grow more slowly outside the European Union, no matter what deal is struck with Brussels, a leaked government document suggests.
Theresa May is facing a potentially hostile grilling from MPs at Prime Minister's Questions after the collapse of her bid to clinch a Brexit deal with Brussels.
Growing uncertainty about an 'open skies' deal between the UK and European Union countries ahead of Brexit risks triggering a catastrophic slump in British air travel, according to the country's biggest airports.
Paper expected to signal at least one aspect of cabinet row has been resolved after chancellor confirmed UK would be ‘outside customs union’
Trade talks with the US will kick off next month as British officials start to scope out plans for a deal, with the aim of setting up a free trade agreement as soon as possible after Brexit.
Talks between Theresa May and the Democratic Unionist Party over a confidence and supply deal to prop up the Conservative Government have been "constructive", Downing Street has said.