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Tag: cases

21,952 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the UK as well as 24 more coronavirus-related deaths in the latest 24-hour period, according to government data. This compares to 24,470 infections and 65 fatalities reported on Sunday, and 24,950 cases and 14 deaths announced this time last week. The...
96 people have died within 28 days of the positive test, according to the government official statics.  Another 46,558  Covid cases have been reported in the latest 24-hour period. The number of people hospitalized was  745, the latest figures of hospitalisation are for July 14. Over 1 million people were...
The UK has reported another 39,950 Covid cases and 19 more coronavirus-related deaths in the latest 24-hour period. The number of people hospitalized was  742, the latest figures of hospitalisation are for July 13. Over 1 million people were tested in the last 24 hour period. Just 18,186 people received...
The UK has reported another 51,870 Covid cases and 49 more coronavirus-related deaths in the latest 24-hour period. The number of people hospitalized was  717, the latest figures of hospitalisation are for Monday 12 July. Over 1.1 million people were tested in the last 24 hour period. 61,681 people received...
The UK has reported another 35,707 Covid cases and 29 more coronavirus-related deaths in the latest 24-hour period. It is the highest number of infections since 22 January when 40,261 cases were recorded. Friday’s figures compare to 32,551 infections and 35 deaths reported on Thursday. 96,430 people had their first...
More restrictions have been announced for people living in the north-east of England, including “legal restrictions on indoor mixing between households in any setting”. Addressing MPs in the Commons, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the number of coronavirus cases in the region “continues to rise sharply”. “The incident rate across...
Boris Johnson has told reporters the UK is “now seeing a second wave coming in”. The UK R number, which represents the number of people an infected person will pass the virus to, has risen to between 1.1 and 1.4, meaning cases can rise very quickly, according to Sage. Public...
As global coronavirus cases neared 30 million on Tuesday, a senior health official in China said she expected a vaccine to be publicly available as early as November this year. According to the Johns Hopkins University Covid-19 tracker, which relies on official government data, there are 29,190,588 confirmed infections worldwide. Deaths stand...
The Health Secretary appealed to under 25s, particularly those aged 17 to 21, to take the guidelines seriously because “nobody wants to see a second wave here”. He said this age group accounted for a large number of positive cases, concentrated among more affluent young people. It comes as one million...
The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 in the community has levelled off in the past week, new government figures show. An estimated 28,300 people in England had coronavirus during the week of 27 July to 2 August, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found....
The number of people with coronavirus has more than halved in the last week, according to the latest official figures. Data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed 53,000 people in England had the virus at any one time during the last two weeks of May. That’s down from 133,000...
The Department of Health and Social Care has announced its daily update on the coronavirus statics. 428 more people died during the 24 hour period between 5 pm 12 May and 5 pm 13 May, taking the total deaths in all settings (hospitals, care homes and community) to 33,614. As...
A six-week-old baby has become one of the latest to die after testing positive for the coronavirus. The baby was among 31,241 coronavirus-related fatalities in all settings, including hospitals, care homes and the wider community. The figures were confirmed by the government on Friday evening. Some 11,788 people remain in...
NORTH Cyprus has now had its tenth consecutive day no new cases of coronavirus record, only five Covid-19 patients remain at the Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital in Lefkoşa,TRNC Health Minister Ali Pilli announced on Monday. Seven more people were discharged Sunday 27 April, according to a statement by Pilli,...
There is “emerging evidence” to suggest coronavirus is having a disproportionate impact on people who are black, Asian and minority ethnic. Research suggests that more than a third of patients who are critically ill in hospital with the virus are from these backgrounds. It comes after Labour called for an...
The Department for Health and Social Care has announced in its daily update on testing and figures on coronavirus, that in a 24 hour period between the 10 April and the 11 April 737 more people have died after contracting coronavirus. A total of 352,974 people have been tested in...
The US has become the first country to record 2,000 coronavirus-linked deaths in a single day. There were 2,108 deaths announced among Covid-19 patients in the past 24 hours, data from Johns Hopkins University’s tracker shows. According to the tracker, the death tollin the US stands at 18,777, just short of Italy’s total of 18,849, which...
The Department for Health and Social Care has announced in its daily update on testing and figures on coronavirus, that in a 24 hour period between the 3 April and the 4 April 621 more people have died after contracting coronavirus. A total of 195,524 people have been tested in...