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Tag: seminar

İNGİLTERE Türk Kadınları Yardım Derneği (TWPA), 6 Mayıs Cuma günü ‘demans’ konulu panel düzenledi. Seminer sunumunu, İngiltere’de uzun yıllar hekimlik yapılan ve toplumumuz tarafından yakından tanınan Dr Akan Efe ve Dr Mekella Mehmet – Yeşil yaptı. TWPA binasında gerçekleşen seminerin ardından, KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Ersin Tatar’ın eşi Sibel Tatar ve KKTC Londra...
THE Turkish Women’s Philanthropic Association of England (TWPA) held a health seminar on Friday 6 March as well as a tea and cupcake event for dementia. Specialist Dr Akan Efe and Dr Mehtap (Mekella) Mehmet Yeşil, spoke as the seminar called “What is dementia? Who can be seen? symptoms, causes...
WITHIN the scope of his visits to the World Travel Market 2018 Tourism Fair in London, TRNC Minister ofTourism and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu attended the North Cyprus Tourism and Investment Opportunities Seminar Travel organised by MUSIAD UK and MUSIAD TRNC on Tuesday, November 6. In the course of his visits#...
THE event titled “The Black history in the Turkish Cypriot and Turkish communities” took place on Friday, 2 November at 19:00pm at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association. The Turkish Cypriot and Turkish members of the black community had organised this event to enlighten the community about the black roots in...
LONDON Angels Cancer Association organised a seminar based on cancer awareness. The seminar was presented by the Honorary President of the association, Dr. Teoman Sırrı. The seminar was held at the Turkish Cypriot Community Center (TCCA) on Sunday, October 21. Dr. Teomon Sırrı is well known with the Turkish speaking...
  LABOUR Party Friends of Cyprus organized a seminar titled The Constitutional Responsibilities of Britain: Past, Present, and Future.” The seminar was organized by the Labour Party Friends of Cyprus which took place on Monday, 1 October at the Cypriot Community Center in the Wood Green district of North London....
KIBRIS’IN İşçi Partisi Dostları, “İngiltere’nin Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’ne Anayasal Sorumlulukları: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecek” isminde bir seminer gerçekleşeceğini duyurdu. Kıbrıs’ın İşçi Partisi Dostları tarafından düzenlenen seminer, 1 Ekim Pazartesi günü, Kuzey Londra’nın Wood Green bölgesinde bulunan Kıbrıs Toplum Merkezi’nde gerçekleşecek. Seminerin saat 19.00 – 21.00 saatleri arası gerçekleştirileceği belirtilirken, ayrıca seminer...
  A seminar organized by the London’s Helping Angels Cancer Patients Association will be held on the stage of obesity and cancer. Increasing obesity in the world and in our country is among the 10 most risky diseases according to the world health organization and it is one of the...
YUNUS Emre Institute in London we’re delighted to present the eighth Young Scholar Seminar series: ‘Cultures of Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging with the Concept’
BRITISH Turkish Women Association organised a seminar about Göbekli Tepe, which is considered to be the oldest temple in the world.
A HEALTH seminar was held at Enfield Cemevi on Sunday February 18 at 3pm.
THE TURKISH Women's Philanthropic Association of England (TWPA) continued its seminars with "Long Term Diseases ".
TURKISH Women's Philanthropic Association of England (TWPA)’s is run a series of seminars on "Preserving Mental Health". Friday, November 24th,
THE YOUNG Scholars Seminars Series continued with ‘The East as a career, exploring the orientalist Circle in the British Archives” seminar taking place at the Yunus Emre Institute in London on Thursday 16th of November 2017.
Turkish Women’s Philanthropic Association (TWPA) organised an exclusive event tackling diabetes by inviting well known Dr Tahsin Bilginer. Attending, were important guests such as Northern Cyprus Representative Zehra Başaran.