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Tag: patients

THE London Angles Cancer Association (LACA), which was established in London to support cancer patients and organises important projects, made a donated to the Cancer Patient Assistance Association (KHYD). LACA Chairwomen Aydın Hassan announced that they have sent second aid packages to KHYD. Just last month  LACA  donated  9 walking...
THE NHS Blood and Transplant service have asked people to keep donating blood as the UK begins a coronavirus clampdown. While the service’s stock levels are currently good, they have said they need donors to keep travelling to their donating sessions during the clampdown. The service has said there have been no confirmed...
ALMOST one in five local hospital services are consistently failing to hit any of their key waiting-time targets, BBC analysis shows. Twenty-nine hospital trusts and boards out of 157 have not hit a single target for a whole year. Northern Ireland is struggling the most – all five trusts have...
REGENCY International Clinic in North London carries on being promising to be a one-stop shop for a range of diagnostic services for men and women. Regency International Clinic in Nile Street, Islington, specialises in a range of treatments including infertility and sexual dysfunction with now a brand new treatment to...
DOCTORS will be able to prescribe cannabis products to patients from 1 November, the Home Secretary Sajid Javid says. The new regulations apply to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Mr Javid decided to relax the rules on when cannabis products could be given to patients after a review into medicinal...
BREXIT poses an “immediate risk to the provision of safe and effective care” for patients in the UK, according to the Royal College of Nursing. The union has made the warning in a letter to leaders of the UK’s main political parties on behalf of its 435,000 members. It also...
ACCORDING to a survey proceeded in relation to GP services in England, patients in Enfield rank their GPs among the worst in the country. The survey consisted of 4,786 patients in Enfield and results portray that only 78% rated their GP surgery as either very good or fairly good. Hence,...
This year heatwave has been breaking more records; over 2.1 million patients attended A&E. With the temperatures increase saw a chain reaction and a recorder high number of patient’s visiting their A&E departments. Data from The NHS England shows there were 530,000 emergency admissions to A&E, a figure only surpassed once...
NHS patients converted to cheaper medicines are being told the cost-saving exercise is not compromising care. The “better value” treatments, for conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers, are just as safe and effective, NHS Improvement says. 1 Hospitals that changed their prescribing saved the health service £324m last financial...
More than 450 patients died after being given powerful painkillers inappropriately at Gosport War Memorial Hospital, a report has established. An independent panel stated, taking into account missing records, a further 200 patients may have suffered a similar fate. The report clarified that there was a “disregard for human life”...
Patients at an east London health service were “thrilled” to be given bouquets of flowers from the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The bouquet flowers which were used at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle were handed to St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney on 20 May Sunday....
A free health screenings took place at the Turkish Cypriot Community Association (TCCA) Centre, topics such as general complaints made by patients and keeping control of as sugar levels and blood pressure were made.
Up to one in five patients are regularly missing GP appointments in Scotland, with younger people the worst offenders, new research has found.
CYPRUS Turkish physicians have shown that new drugs used in cancer treatment do not treat patients.
“London Angels Cancer Patients Benevolent Association” organised a special night to help and fundraise cancer patients.
“London Angels Cancer Patients Benevolent Association” is set to organise a special night to help and fundraise cancer patients.