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Tag: online

Şirketten yapılan açıklamada,’un, karantina döneminde yüksek satış gelirleri elde etmesine karşın son dönemde artan maliyetlerini kontrol altına alamaması nedeniyle iflasını ilan ettiği belirtildi. İngiltere’nin önde gelen online mobilya şirketlerinden’un iflas ettiği bildirildi. Şirketten yapılan açıklamada,’un, karantina döneminde yüksek satış gelirleri elde etmesine karşın son dönemde artan maliyetlerini...
People are set to be better protected from fake reviews and “subscription traps” under plans to tackle rip-offs. Proposals include making it “clearly illegal” to pay someone to write or host fake reviews. A competition watchdog will get new powers to fine firms up to 10% of their global turnover...
ATATÜRK Society UK (ASUK) held a panel on ‘The present and future strategic importance of the Montreux Straits Convention, the Kanal Istanbul Project’, on Saturday, March 19, due to the ‘107th anniversary of the Çanakkale Naval Battles’. Special guests’ included by research writer and Retired Admiral Türker  Ertürk and musician...
THE Association of Turkish Women (BTKD) held a special online zoom meeting to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day. The meeting saw members join together with guests including The Turkish Consul General to London Bekir Utku Atahan, Archaeologist, Historian, and Writer Muazzez İlmiye Çığ and pianist Gülsin Onay. In a...
A plan to crack down on online rip-offs including making it illegal for people to write or host fake reviews has been outlined by the government. The proposals would see bigger fines for firms that trick consumers into spending more than they want to online. Businesses offering subscriptions would also...
İNGİLTERE ile birlikte tüm dünyayı olumsuz olarak etkileyen Covid – 19 salgınından dolayı istinasız olarak kitlesel etkinlikler iptal edilmek ya da ertelenmek zorunda kalmıştı. Türk ve Kürt Toplumu Dayanışma Merkezi Day-Mer de, yüzlerce kişinin etkin olarak katıldığı kurs ve etkinliklerine Mart ayının ortasından itibaren zorunlu olarak ara vermek zorunda kalmıştı....
England Alevi Cultural Centre and Cemevi announced that will hold the culture and arts festival  over the internet this year. In the statement made by the Chairman Zeynel Akdogan, it was stated that despite the restrictions cause by the coronavirus epidemic, the festival will take place, and in this context,...
DAY-MER Culture and Art park festival were held online on Sunday, 5 July. The first was organised in 1990 whereby there was an intense amount of people migrating from Turkey to the United Kingdom. Hence, the 31st Day-Mer Culture and Art festival coincided with the coronavirus epidemic this year.  Turkish-Kurdish...
BRİTANYA Alevi Federasyonu ve Pir Sultan Abdal Kültür Dernekleri Genel Merkezi eğitim çalışmaları tekrar başlıyor. Alevi Eğitim ve Sanat Merkezi tarafından sosyal medyada yapılan açıklamaya göre, Britanya Alevi Federasyonu ve Pir Sultan Abdal Kültür Derneği’nin ortaklaşa düzenlediği online eğitim dijital platformda başlayacağı belirtildi. Yapılan açıklama şöyle: “Akıllı telefon uygulaması ve...
 TÜRK Kürt Toplum Dayanışma Merkezi (Day-Mer) her yıl geleneksel olarak düzenlediği kültür ve sanat festivalini bu yıl internet üzerinden gerçekleştireceklerini duyurdu. Day-Mer tarafından yapılan açıklamada pandemiden kaynaklı kısıtlamalara rağmen final festival’nin bu yıl Clissod Park’ta değil internet üzerinden gerçekleşeceği belirtildi. Day-Mer Yönetim Kurulu imzalı yazılı açıklamada “Day-Mer 31. Kültür ve...
THE Turkish Kurdish Community Solidarity Center (Day-Mer) announced that they will organize the culture and art festival, which is traditionally held every year will take place over the internet this year. In the statement made by Day-Mer, it was stated that despite the restrictions caused by pandemic, the festival will...
AN online aid concert was held in London as part of the campaign for Esra and Kemal Çelik who living in Istanbul to receive treatment for their 10-month-old baby Ada, Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1 (SMA Type 1), a rare genetic disease. Baby Ada, who was born on August 15...
Bozca-Der, an London based community institutions, has started online study for our students whose education was interrupted due to the schools closing during this epidemic period. Due to the spread of coronavirus, schools in the UK have been close to those students that are not from families working in critical...
A new system designed to tackle fraud in online shopping has been delayed for 18 months. Banks and retailers had been expected to introduce a new layer of security from mid-September. This would normally see a passcode sent to a customer’s mobile phone at the point of checkout for online...
Dünya genelinde 14 ülkedeki 200 bine yakın tüketiciyle yapılan görüşmeler sonucu hazırlanan Teleperformance CX Lab Global 2018 Araştırması, online hızlı tüketim sektöründe yaşanan dönüşüme ayna tuttu. CX Lab uzmanları, toplamda 14 ülkeden 20’ye yakın sektörün durumunu gözler önüne seren yıllık raporu oluşturmak için yaklaşık 200 bin müşteri ile görüştü. Yiyecek...
İnternet üzerinden arkadaş bulmak için kullanılan sitelerin bir benzeri çiftçilerin ineklerini eşlemeleri için de oluşturuldu. Online arkadaşlık sitesi Tinder’a benzer bir uygulama olan Tudder, İngiltere’de hayvan yetiştiricilerinin boğa ve ineklerini çiftleştirmek için kendilerine ideal inek bulmaları için kullanılıyor. Daily Mail’in haberine göre, Tudder adı verilen uygulamada, İngiltere genelinde 42 binden...
EBAY has filed a US lawsuit against Amazon. The online marketplace eBay is claiming that Amazon used a system of internal messaging to seal its sellers. The lawsuit alleges that Amazon representatives signed up for eBay accounts and sent messages to persuade users to sell their goods on Amazon, which...
eBay has filed a US lawsuit against Amazon. The online marketplace eBay is claiming that Amazon used a system of internal messaging to seal its sellers. The lawsuit alleges that Amazon representatives signed up for eBay accounts and sent messages to persuade users to sell their goods on Amazon, which...