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Tag: hit

A toddler has been left with life-changing injuries after being hit by an e-scooter in south London. Police are appealing for the rider to come forward after the three-year-old was struck down in Myatt’s Field Park, Lambeth, on Monday evening at about 8.30pm. She was with her family at the...
Three people have been injured after a car mounted the pavement and smashed into them outside a busy central London station The pedestrians were struck by the vehicle outside Charing Cross train station shortly after 11pm on Saturday. The Met Police said two men have been arrested on suspicion of...
A suspected Russian-made missile has landed in Northern Cyprus, exploding in the air near a village, according to officials. Turkish Cypriot foreign minister Kudret Ozersay spoke after debris from the object came down on a mountainside north of the capital Nicosia overnight. It is thought the missile may be part...
A young Turkish woman called Hesna Firuze has lost her life as a result of a train crash at Canada Water station. During midnight on Thursday, 22 November a notice was made by the emergency service team to the scene whereby a train hit a young woman. Despite the extraordinary...
A baby is fighting for his life as three pedestrians were hit by car. It was has been revealed that a two year old baby is currently fighting for his life after being hit by a car in East London. The baby boy was one of the three pedestrians which...
A woman has died after being hit by two lorries and two cars – none of which stopped at the scene.
Turkey’s exports from this January to November reached $142.7 billion, marking a 10.7 percent rise from the same period last year, mainly due to an ongoing surge in automotive exports, the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TİM) stated on Dec. 1.
The family of a teenager who died after he was hit by a car on a motorway said they are "completely heartbroken".
The food industry fears it will be hit with the cost of a new inspection regime if Britain leaves the EU without a trade deal.