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Tag: Government

Boris Johnson has defended his plan to send migrants arriving illegally in the UK thousands of miles away to Rwanda as “the morally right thing to do”. The policy is part of the prime minister’s plan to tackle the problem of dangerous Channel crossings by migrants in small boats –...
Roman Abramovich’s attempt to sell Chelsea has been halted after the oligarch was sanctioned by the UK government as part of its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Russian put the European champions up for sale after the threat of sanctions was raised in Parliament. The freezing of Abramovich’s assets, which include Chelsea,...
Supermarket depot workers and food manufacturers in England will be exempt from quarantine rules as the government tries to prevent food supply problems. Up to 10,000 staff are expected to qualify for the scheme, but supermarket workers are not included. The move comes after the high number of retail staff self-isolating affected...
ON Monday July 19, Boris Johnson lifted the vast majority of the remaining Covid-19 restrictions in England, as the country moved to step four of its coronavirus lockdown roadmap. However, the prime minister warned cases are set to rise even if restrictions including social distancing and the legal requirement to wear face masks...
Travellers returning from red list destinations could be facing paying an extra £500 to pay for their quarantine hotel stay. Under plans reportedly being considered, the price could increase to more than £2,250 in a bid to stop people from making ‘unnecessary trips’ to high-risk countries. Ministers are said to...
Clinically vulnerable children and those living with at-risk adults will be offered a Covid-19 vaccine – but most teenagers will not, Nadhim Zahawi has announced. The vaccines minister told MPs that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI) has recommended that children “at an increased risk of serious Covid-19...
Airlines and tour operators have grounded holiday flights to Turkey after the country was marooned on the UK Government travel red list for another three weeks. UK airlines such as Jet2 suspended all flights and breaks to Turkish resorts until August 11 when transport secretary Grant Shapps kept the country...
A Labour shadow minister has resigned after making “misjudged” comments relating to gay marriage. Janet Daby suggested registrars who have a religious objections to same-sex marriage should be protected from losing their jobs if they refuse to certify the partnership. It is unlawful discrimination for registrars to refuse to perform same-sex weddings....
The government is to spend more than £400m to support poor children and their families in England, following a campaign by footballer Marcus Rashford. A winter grant scheme, to be run by councils, will provide support with food and bills, and a holiday food and activities programme is to be...
Transport for London’s current funding arrangement with the Government has been extended two weeks as talks between the two continue. Ministers are demanding that London’s congestion charge zone is extended and fares are raised in return for a £1 billion bailout package, Sky News reported. A TfL spokeswoman confirmed that...
Boris Johnson has vowed to defeat Covid and build a better country over the next decade in his leader’s speech to the virtual Conservative conference. Reflecting on the UK’s recovery from World War Two, he said he wanted to build a “new Jerusalem”, with opportunity for all, improved housing and...
Children across London will be able to contour travelling on buses for free until next spring travel. Plans to cuts free travel for children in  children will not be cut until next spring, the head of Transport for London (TfL) has revealed. The zip card scheme was due to be...
Over 80,000 UK firms have voluntarily returned more than £215m to the government in furlough scheme payments they did not need or took in error. According to HMRC figures, some 80,433 employers have returned cash they were given to help cover workers’ salaries. The money is a small part of...
Tough new limits on social gatherings have come into force in the UK, meaning it is now illegal for groups of more than six to meet up. The “rule of six” kicked in at midnight across England, Wales and Northern Ireland in a divisive push to curb the recent surge in coronavirus infections. Yesterday, more than...
The business secretary, Alok Sharma, has said there are no plans to review the wearing of face masks in English schools despite a plea from headteachers. The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), a trade union that represents more than 19,000 senior staff, has called on the government to...
THE ban on evictions in England should be extended in order to prevent a “homelessness crisis”, Labour has said. The government introduced the ban in March to help those financially hit by the coronavirus lockdown. Homeless charity Shelter estimates 227,000 private renters have fallen into arrears since the pandemic and...
Schools will reopen at the start of the autumn term but local lockdowns could force some to close, Downing Street said today. In a briefing to journalists, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said schools would reopen for “all pupils in all year groups”. He said: “You’ve heard from the Prime...
After many students were away from school for much of the first half of the year due to coronavirus lockdown, the Government has told parents that children should go back for the new term in September. With soaring unemployment rates and others who have also lost income due to coronavirus, parents may be worried about...