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Tag: eu

A motoring association said keeping blue badge users “in limbo is simply unacceptable” and called on the government to “resolve the matter urgently” with the nations concerned. Disabled drivers have been warned they may not be able to use their blue badges in many popular European holiday destinations due to...
Fully vaccinated travellers from the US and EU can now arrive in the UK without having to isolate. The new rules came into effect at 4am on Monday but they have not yet been met by a reciprocal easing of restrictions for travellers from the UK. The new rule applies...
Talks between the UK and EU have resumed, as the two sides make a final bid to reach a post-Brexit trade deal. Disputes over fishing and business rules are continuing, but the UK government said an agreement was “still possible” with time in “short supply”. The EU mood was described...
Boris Johnson and European Commission president  Ursula von der Leyen have agreed to make a final push to resolve “significant differences” on key issues standing in the way of a Brexit deal before the end of the year. Following a telephone call lasting more than an hour, the two leaders acknowledged...
EU and UK officials have resumed trade talks in London at the start of another key week for the negotiations. They are trying to bridge what the two sides have said are still significant differences on fishing quotas and competition issues. Boris Johnson said on Sunday that the “outlines” of...
Boris Johnson has told the a UK to prepare for a No Deal Brexit after a unsuccessful trade talks with Brussels . The Prime Minister put the country on notice that its EU departure at the end of the transition period on December 31 could be without a trade deal with...
The EU Commission is to start legal action against Boris Johnson’s bid to potentially override parts of the Brexit deal. Brussels claims the prime minister is breaching the “good faith” promise both sides signed up to in the withdrawal agreement struck and passed by parliament last year. EU Commission president...
Turkey is poised to announce the discovery of a new gas field in the eastern Mediterranean later this week, according to a source close to the presidency. Speculation has been mounting after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he would be announcing “good news” on Friday. Speaking to Euronews’ Turkish service,...
WITH the UK leaving its membership of the European Union as of January 31, 2020, until the end of this year, EU rules continue to apply during the process called “transition period”. Meanwhile between Turkey and the UK, Ankara Agreement retains its validity. As it is known, Turkish citizens could...
The UK government “actively avoided” looking for Russian interference during the EU and Scottish independence referendums, says a group of MPs. The Intelligence and Security Committee’s long-awaited report into Russian activity in the UK called for “immediate action” to tackle it. But it said the government was “playing catch-up” after failing to...
London and Brussels have “made very little progress towards agreement on the most significant outstanding issues between us”, the UK’s Brexit negotiator has said. David Frost issued the downbeat assessment at the end of the third round of talks on the future relationship between the two sides. EU negotiator Michel...
MINISTERS from the EU have approved their mandate for post-Brexit trade talks with the UK. The document – approved by the EU General Affairs Council on Tuesday – will be the basis for the negotiations, to be carried out by the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier. It says that EU standards...
ALMOST one million Europeans living in London have applied to stay permanently under the Government’s EU Settlement Scheme, figures showed today. The Home Office statistics reveal that 992,570 EU nationals had submitted applications by the end of December — roughly a third of the more than three million received nationwide....
BRITAIN will “always” be welcomed back into the EU after Brexit, according to an executive vice president of the European Commission. In a “love letter” to the UK, Frans Timmermans admits that “so much unnecessary damage” has been inflicted on both sides during the bitter exit negotiations and says he fears more will follow. It is expected that...
MPs are debating whether to back the PM’s plan for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January, ahead of a vote later. The EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill would also ban the government from extending the transition period – where the UK is out of the EU but follows...
BREXIT trade negotiations cannot be finished in the timeframe claimed by Boris Johnson, the EU’s chief negotiator has privately admitted – blowing a hole in the prime minister’s big election promise to “get Brexit done”. In a leaked recording obtained by The Independent, Michel Barnier tells a private meeting that the UK’s 11-month timetable to...
The EU has agreed to extend Brexit until 31 January 2020, according to a tweet from the European Council president. Donald Tusk said the bloc would allow for a so-called “flextension” – meaning the UK could leave before the deadline if a deal was approved by Parliament. It comes as...
Brussels has agreed the need for a Brexit extension but will not make a decision on its length until next week. The development comes after Boris Johnson launched a fresh bid to hold a general election on 12 December, aimed at ending the stalemate at Westminster. Meanwhile, Downing Street has...