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Tag: University

THE UK Turkish Cypriot Student Federation (BK-KÖF), independence organization based on the local organization, encompassing Turkish Cypriots studying in all parts of the UK, continues to grow. BK-KTÖF, which aims to promote solidarity and community feeling among Turkish Cypriot students studying in the UK, raises adaptation challenges, organizes events, defends...
SERKAN Hussein aged 24 graduated Kings College London University in medicine with a distinction grade on Friday 5 July. Speaking with Londra Gazete Serkan about his journey and achievement Serkan said “I think a lot of people think medicine is something that people pushed onto you very young or you...
PLANS to expand two-year degree courses at universities in England have been approved by the House of Lords. As a result, universities will be able to charge higher fees for these shorter, more intensive courses from this September. But the government conveys students who take up two-year degrees will still...
The donation of £100 million by David Harding, from his foundation, is the biggest single gift made to a university in the UK by a British philanthropist. The money will fund postgraduate scholarships for more than 100 PhD students and be invested in attracting students from “under-represented groups”. A university...
Students at the University of Bristol who keep their neighbours awake with noise now face a £100 fine. City residents have complained of parties in shared houses affecting whole streets due to the volume. Under the university’s scheme, each student in a property could be fined if wrongdoing was uncovered....
Students at the University of Bristol who keep their neighbours awake with noise now face a £100 fine. City residents have complained of parties in shared houses affecting whole streets due to the volume. Under the university’s scheme, each student in a property could be fined if wrongdoing was uncovered....
21 year old Merve Nur Ucar has just successful completed her Law degree with a 1st from University of Central Lancashire. The 21 year old student living in Manchester, England traveled for hours every week to and from her home and university daily. Even with the struggle of daily commute...
SCHEMES have been published for a £1.1bn re-development of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, featuring arts and education. East Bank will be inclusive of university facilities, a V&A museum, a facility for Sadler’s Wells theatre and new BBC studios. A new residential neighbourhood is also planned. London mayor...
ARZU Dora, 22 years old, has lost her life struggle against cancer. Arzu Dora born in London graduated from Greenwich University and had recently graduated. After graduating she applied to many companies and received many job interviews. While this period, Dora began to start receiving treatment for soft-tissue cancer and...
THE Open Education Faculty program which is adopted by Turkey’s leading universities, Anadolu University organised a panel which took place at the Yunus Emre Cultural Centre in London on 12 May, Saturday. The London Education Consultant of Turkey, Hasan Ünsal also participated in the panel discussion alongside, Professor of Eskişehir...
LONDON has been listed as the best city in the world for university students. The top 30 rankings for student cities, formulated by the QS higher education data analysts, has formerly ranked Montreal and Paris in first place. The ratings are circulated upon elements such as the quantity of top...
A picture of Theresa May has been taken down at the University of Oxford to protect it from protests by students. The picture of the prime minister, part of a celebration of women who had studied at the university, had been “obscured” by critical messages. The portrait had been “plastered”...
    A number of law students have been expelled from the University of Exeter over allegations of racism. An internal investigation was launched in March after “vile” comments from Bracton law society’s WhatsApp group were shared on social media. Those involved received expulsions, suspensions and other sanctions, according to...
nin eski dışişleri bakanı Hillary Clinton, Swansea Üniversitesi tarafından fahri doktora unvanıyla onurlandırıldı.
A Turkish Cypriot teacher has been awarded by the prestigious prize of Cambridge Inspiring School Leaders.
Turkish Cypriot Sıla Uluçay has been awarded with a globally acclaimed Oxford University award for research, in the wake of her extensive success throughout her MPhil journey at the faculty of Modern Middle Eastern Studies.