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Tag: shopping

The supermarket has started to place limits on the number of items shoppers can buy. Tesco and Morrison have started to introduce a three-items per customer limit on flour, dried pasta, toilet roll, baby wipes and anti-bacterial wipes. The supermarkets are acting to prevent a repeat of the panic-buying that...
BLACK Friday discounts and bad weather have been blamed for a decline in Boxing Day shoppers, with retail analysts reporting a fall in the number of people heading for the sales. Springboard, which analyses customer activity in stores, said footfall up until midday had seen the largest decline since 2010,...
High street shops had their worst September for eight years thanks to Brexit uncertainty, new figures suggest, and one key sector saw purchases at their lowest since the 2008 recession. Other factors contributing to an in-store sales fall of 3.1 per cent, compared to a year prior and after an already weak 2.7 per cent...
A new system designed to tackle fraud in online shopping has been delayed for 18 months. Banks and retailers had been expected to introduce a new layer of security from mid-September. This would normally see a passcode sent to a customer’s mobile phone at the point of checkout for online...
West End retailers are anticipating a rise in middle eastern customers celebrating the end of Ramadan with a shopping spree, research showed on Friday. New West End Company, representing 600 traders around Oxford Street and Bond Street, forecasts Muslim tourists will contribute heavily to the £13 million it expects international...
  IT has been predict that a staggering £1.65bn was spent on weekend in the lead up to Christmas day. The last minute dash for present has been dubbed ‘Super Saturday’. London’s west-end alone was predicted to have seen £186m boost from the weekend rush. New West End chief executive...
EFFORTS to increase the number of people shopping on UK High Streets has been given a boost by search giant Google. It has teamed up with start-up NearSt to help consumers see what is available in their local shops via the web. The search results will also tell people the...
BLOODY footstep across a shopping centre led off-duty doctors to stabbed Teenager.