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Tag: MPs

MPs are debating whether to back the PM’s plan for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January, ahead of a vote later. The EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill would also ban the government from extending the transition period – where the UK is out of the EU but follows...
The Commons Speaker has refused a government request to hold a “yes” or “no” vote on its Brexit deal. John Bercow said a motion on the deal had been brought before MPs on Saturday, and it would be “repetitive and disorderly” to debate it again. Saturday’s sitting saw MPs vote...
MPs have voted 322 to 306 to delay Brexit for a second delay. UK PM Boris Johnson says he will put bill on deal to leave EU to MPs next week, in attempt to avoid delay More to come…
MPs have voted to reject the motion for an early election: With Ayes: 298 and Noes: 56  with lose of majority: 242 the motion for a early election but Boris Johnson has fail to pass. Following the result Prime Minister Boris Johnson followed said that Jeremy Corbyn “has become the first leader...
MPs have backed a bill to block a no-deal Brexit, which could trigger Boris Johnson to seek a general election. Opposition MPs and Tory rebels ensured the bill passed its first stage by 329 votes to 300. If it is passed in full, it will force the PM to ask...
Boris Johnson has lost a key Brexit vote as MPs opposed to no deal take control of House of Commons business. The motion to take control of the House of Commons agenda has been passed by MPs. Ayes – 328 Nos – 301 Majority – 27 Prime Minister Boris Johnson responded...
MPs have voted in favour of a measure that could block efforts by the next prime minister to force through a no-deal Brexit by suspending Parliament. A majority of 41 approved an amendment that blocks suspension between 9 October and 18 December unless a Northern Ireland executive is formed. MPs...
Primister Minster Theresa May’s Brexit withdrawal bill will not be published or debated until early June, the government says. During Primister Minster’s question time at the house of Commons on Wednesday 22 May, she had said the Withdrawal Agreement Bill – the legislation needed to implement the agreement between the...
The 29th March 2019 should mark the official day the UK leave the EU. As the government fails to reach an agreement on what type of Brexit the UK should have, the deadline has been delayed for just 2 weeks. Today parliament voted again on Theresa May’s deal and rejected her...
With the original Brexit 29 March 2019 being delayed, by just 2 weeks it looks like the government is no closer to getting a withdraw agreement plan completed and agreed by parliament and then the EU in time. Yesterday(25 March) MPs voted in favour of Conservative backbencher Sir Oliver Letwin’s cross-party amendment,...
Today it has been confirmed by Theresa May that MPs will be able to vote on ruling out a no-deal Brexit or delaying the UK’s departure, if they reject her deal (Plan C) on March 12. May will be presenting her Plan C to parliament after her ‘chequers’ Plan (Plan A)...
48 hour in and the newly formed  Independent Group a group of break away Labour MPs announced on Monday  (18 February) have already found themselves ahead of the Lib Dems in popularity, according to a Poll carried out by Sky. The Independent Group has not be established a party just yet....
SEVEN MPs have resigned from the Labour Party in protest at Jeremy Corbyn’s approach to Brexit and anti-Semitism. The seven MPS are inclusive of the following: Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey. Berger stated that Labour had become institutionally anti-Semitic and...
COUNCILS will have their next financial year spend debated in government by MPS, after local authorities complained of a £3bn funding gap. Ministers allocated £1.3bn more than planned, with one-off funds of £650m for social care and £420m for roads. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said the funding available amounted to...
In the past 2 years MPs have enjoyed more than £2m worth of free trips oversees, of which £1.3m trips have been taken by Conservative MPs. Since the general election 340 MPs have made 810 visits, Conservative MPs have been treated to £1.3m worth of travel, £630,000 was spent on...
LOCAL MPs share messages for Muslims observing the Ramadan month of fasting. Kate Osamor, Member of Parliament for Edmonton “I would like to send a special message and my very best wishes to Muslims in Enfield for the month of Ramadan ahead. I know it is an important time for...