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Tag: leaders

Jeremy Corbyn will meet other opposition party leaders later to discuss ways of averting a no-deal Brexit. The Labour leader has outlined a plan to become caretaker PM after defeating the government in a no-confidence vote. But in his invitation letter, he pledged to discuss “all tactics available” to block no...
President Trump has promised a “very big trade deal” with the UK, saying its departure from the EU will be like losing “an anchor round the ankle”. Mr Trump was speaking after a breakfast meeting with Mr Johnson at the G7 summit in Biarritz in France. But Mr Johnson said...
Grenfell Tower residents and firefighters were let down by London Fire Brigade’s leaders, a lawyer for the victims has said. Sam Stein QC told the public inquiry into the fire that commissioner Dany Cotton and her leadership team were “not fit to run” the emergency service. The brigade said it...
QUIETWAY 2 (Q2) was officially opened on Wednesday, 29 August by the Mayor’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner and borough leaders. The new 12km route will enable people to cycle from east London into the city centre and beyond, connecting Bloomsbury and Walthamstow via Angel, Haggerston, London Fields and Clapton. Major...
Council leaders and mayors has been officially determined in Enfield and also will be officially appointed in Haringey Thursday evening. The local authorities will have their first meeting subsequent to the elections on May 3. Enfield has elected Nesil Çalışkan as new council leader, who is aged 29 and will...
DENIZ Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin İnan, three student leaders executed in 1972 were commemorated in London to mark the anniversary of their death. Memorial ceremonies were held with two different events, one was organized in the Turkish Kurdish Community Solidarity Centre (Day Mer) and the other event was organised...
  PRIME Minister Theresa May has stated she was sorry to the Caribbean leaders in regards to deportation threats committed towards the children of Commonwealth citizens, which have been living and working in the UK for decades, have recently been declared they are living in the UK illegally due to...