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Tag: homes

A community group has officially lodged legal action against road-blocking measures implemented by Croydon Council around Crystal Palace, as a public consultation on the controversial scheme officially opened for feedback. The Open Our Roads campaign group, which sprung up in opposition to the Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) scheme at Crystal...
Offshore wind will power every house in the country within a decade, Boris Johnson has pledged. In his speech to the Conservative party virtual conference the prime minister will say he wants the UK to lead the globe in low-cost clean power and promise to make the UK a world...
ENFIELD Council’s housing and counter-fraud teams have yet again successfully recovered Council properties which have been illegally used, abandoned or were no longer being used as the tenant’s main home, and made them available for people in genuine need.Between April 2018 and March this year, 65 Council homes were recovered....
NEARLY 400 homes would be built or refurbished in the last phase of Hackney Council’s award-winning regeneration of Stoke Newington’s Kings Crescent Estate under plans submitted this week. Subject to planning permission, the proposals would see 219 new homes built directly by the Council and 174 existing homes upgraded – with more...
More than 100 residents attended a drop in session in Edmonton on Saturday to find out more about Meridian Water and learn more about the progress Enfield Council is making on the £6bn scheme. Enfield Council Leader Nesil Caliskan, outlined her vision for the project, which will deliver 10,000 homes and...
THE Mayor of Hackney helped construction teams start work on dozens of new genuinely affordable Council homes to replace an abandoned pub and block of ageing bedsits. Philip Glanville joined apprentice assistant site manager Micah Senior to mark the beginning of building work on the Frampton Park Estate, where the...
A council in west London has asked for new powers to take control over what is known to be ‘ghost homes’ and use them for council tenants when they are left untenanted for a long duration. Kensington and Chelsea council’s deputy leader Kim Taylor-Smith has contacted the housing minister to...
KIBRISLI Türk kökenli, Osman İskeleliler ve Kaya Beserler, Relocation Homes ismindeki emlak acentesini gururla açtıklarını duyurdu. Emlak endüstrisinde 15 yıllık tecrübeye sahip olan Osman İskeleliler ve Kaya Beserler, artık emlak profesyonelleri olarak kurdukları Relocation Homes ile emlak dünyasına merhaba diyorlar. Relocation Homes bağımsız bir ARLA nitelikli emlakçıdır. Yöneticilerin kuzey Londra’nın...
A former prostitute used fake identification documents to obtain work with vulnerable adults and children, a court has heard. Fatou Johnson, 37, of Nutfield Gardens in Ilford, east London, worked in care homes and a school in Gloucestershire before her offences were detected. She pleaded guilty to two charges of...
HARINGEY council has initiated its own company to construct homes for over 9,000 families on its housing waiting list. The council cabinet approved to initiate a completely owned company (Woc) to contribute housing which was a vital assurance in the Labour group’s election manifesto during the cabinet meeting last week....
THE NEW developments at the Ordnance road and Enfield Lock have now been completed.
ALMOST three quarters of new homes built on major developments in Haringey are affordable, new figures reveal.
Not-for-profit developer Naked House will provide 22 homes priced from £150,000 on land supplied by north London council Enfield by 2020.
Kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluş olan Naked House, Kuzey Londra’da fiyatları £150,000’dan başlayan 22 tane yeni evin yapımına öncü olacağını açıkladı.