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Tag: eid

Millions of Muslims in the UK will be celebrating the Eid al-Adha as known as “Kurban Bayramı” in Turkish, which marks the end of Hajj, the five-day pilgrimage Muslims undertake to cleanse the soul of sins and instil a sense of equality and brotherhood. Eid al-Adha commemorates the story of...
Police received numerous calls from the public at just after 11.30 pm last night to reports of a large crowd gathered at Ilford Lane, near the junction with Dudley Road, blocking the road to traffic. Officers attended. A crowd of around 150-200 people who had attended Eid celebrations were at...
THIS year Eid Al Adha (Kurban Bayramı) will be from the 11 August until the 15 August, this Eid is also known as the “Festival of the Sacrific” and is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year. London’s Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Representative Oya Tuncalı shared her...
West End retailers are anticipating a rise in middle eastern customers celebrating the end of Ramadan with a shopping spree, research showed on Friday. New West End Company, representing 600 traders around Oxford Street and Bond Street, forecasts Muslim tourists will contribute heavily to the £13 million it expects international...
MUSLIM’S living in the capital of London, woke to morning prays on Tuesday 4 June for the last day of Ramadan. Prayers took place across the capital mosques, with thousands flocking together to end the month of Ramadan and start their Eid. In the early hours of the morning, many...
Muslim’s across the world are celebrating the end of Ramadan with the start Eid today, messages and well wishes are being shared across the world from, here are messages our party leaders and politicians.     Theresa May Prime Minister   “I want to send my very best wishes to...
TURKISH Women’s Philanthropic Association (TWPA), one of the oldest and most successful associations operating across London, came together to celebrate Eid on Thursday, 23 August. TWPA conventionally comes together to celebrate Eid with its members. On the third day of the feast, TWPA officials and members met at a restaurant...
London Representative of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Zehra Başaran hosted an Eid reception at TRNC London Representative on Friday, 15 June. Zehra Basaran made an opening speech by wishing everyone a happy Eid, she stated: “I am very honoured and pleased to see everyone here together on the...
It is the last day of the month of Ramadan which is full of opulence and tomorrow is Eid. We come to the end of a Ramadan month, where hundreds of millions of Muslims spend in unity, peace and spirituality. As it is every year, this year as well many...
The Turkish Consulate based in London organised a special Eid picnic on Hyde Park bringing community together.
Following the events on Eid al-adha amongst Turkish speaking communities in London, Northern Cyprus Representation also held a special event bringing community together at a dinner event.
As one of the major two days of the Islam religion, Eid al-adha was celebrated in London bringing communities together in the feelings of solidarity and togetherness.
The UK’s Turkish Religious Affairs Minister Mahmut Özdemir, shared a press statement greeting their Eid and extending good wishes with regards to the holy day.
Cumhuriyet Meclisi Başkanı Sibel Siber, görevinin sona ermesi nedeniyle, Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekrerinin Kıbrıs Özel Temsilcisi Espan Barth Eide'ye mektup gönderdi.
London saw large numbers of Muslims descending in mosques to celebrate Eid that marks the end of holy month Ramadan.
Northern Cyprus London Representative Zehra Başaran, held a special reception for Eid at the Northern Cyprus Representation by bringing many guests together.
Many Muslims met and celebrated the beginning of Eid that marks the end of holy month Ramadan in London.
Mahmut Özdemir, director of the Turkish Religious Affairs UK shared an Eid message with the local press, stating the importance of Eid alongside the difficult times that not only Muslims around the world but everyone in general are going through.